ahhhh.... women and shoes. somethings are just better together. yes, in this matter, i am not shy to say that i am typical. like all women, i love shoes. i have no idea why, but i do. i don't actually collect shoes but i hunt for those one-of-a-kind type that no one else has. that is just my habit. i like to buy things that are either the only one on the shelf or something that is so unique that you can't find them in the 100km radius. yes, i can be really anal about buying weird things. sometimes, i don't even need it. but because it is different, i MUST have it.
anyway, back to my shoes. let me share with you the stories of each of my lovelies.....

this pink pair was bought in Kursk, Russia. one thing i love about Russia is that they have beautiful shoes. the designs are just totally different and very high fashion. it is not made of real reptile skin. just faux, but who cares, i think it is pretty. i have no idea where i would be wearing it to, when i bought it. so far, i think i have worn it like, thrice maybe?

this is CAPTAIN.he is an admiral. my loyal running companion. it took the place of my last well-worn pair of Reebok DMX. bought this in Ikano Power Center, just a few hours before i went back to SP.

my DIAMOND-BLAKFAN. it is a CROC ISLANDER. my first pair of crocs. got it 2 years back as one of my presents. it was on my wishlist and when i got it, i was so damn happy. i never knew that running with a pair of crocs is at all possible untill that day that i ran through taman negara pulau pinang with it. very durable.

this is my favourite. everytime i put it on, people will compliment it and ask me where i bought it. got it from MARKS & SPENCER. the first time i saw it on the shelf, it was like love at first sight, literally. at first i was hesitating and thinking if i should get it or not. but because it is too beautiful, i got it in the end, regardless of how much it cost :P.

my second pair of crocs. got it for my birthday last year that we celebrated in hartamas. see the pattern? hhehehe. well, i may not have another pair of crocs on my wishlist this year. but something else that i have been wanting and i think it is high time i get a new one. so ma, be ready. wishlist is coming out early this year so that you have ample time to look for it ;).

my winter boots. bought it in Kursk, Russia. it is so snug inside and very, very warm. so i can't quite use it in malaysia. but sometimes when i want to be a fashion victim, i just put it on, regardless. pretty ain't it?

another great find. from vincci at Ikano Power center. it was the only pair left. love the tartan material that was used to make this pair. very scottish. and, i have never worn it!! maybe soon....

green with envy. i don't remember why i got this pair. come to think of it, there's nothing special about this pair. oh yeah, maybe i bought it for my brother's wedding. as you can see, i have worn it quite a number of times. i like the fact that it has an ankle strap that makes it a little sexy ;P.
there are a few more pairs that aren't here. one is in the cab of the car, some are in SP.
will i want to get more pair of shoes? well, what do you think?!!?!? of course la!
dh agak dh that boot red beli kat rusia.
n memang setuju, kasot pmpuan area sini cun2 la. tapi kasot lelaki sume ade muncung tajam n panjang. susah tu nk drive :P
hai aku rasa semua kasut ni saiz dia dalam 6-7 gitu..
i love those pinky shoes!!!!!
ni takleh jadi ni..i pun nak letak gambor kasut gak ah!!
2 ushop: tu la kan, memang beautiful la kasut ladies tu. tapi bila REd tgk kasut laki derang kan, ada macam muncung buaya pun iye juga. and look so uncomfy. macam sendat je...
2 abg faz: owh tidak bang faz. i got big feet :P
2 nads the hotness: thanks babe! unique kan?
2 peeps: hang ni peeps, takde idea ke apa? heheheh
i like the red one from marks n spencer..
and each shoes will have its own story to tell right...
i know. ramai suka yang itu juga :)
hi,drop by sbb i saw ur red beautiful-hot shoes from Marks and Spencer! awww sgt cantik! -_-
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