the turn out this year wasn't that much as compared to last year. many of the last year's runners didn't run with us. and as for the category that i was in, the distance was cut shorter (from 10km to 7km). many new faces were seen running in my category. but the season marathon runners were in the same category too as they were here last year as well. all in all, there were 18 people running in my category alone.
we went there at the designated time of 0630 hours. i didn't drink anything because i can't drink before i run, i'll just perform badly. i had some plain cornflakes as my energy source. runners and organizers were already at the assembly point eventhough the sun wasn't out yet. as compared to last year, we had a warming up session with puan saodah. i want to laugh, but i know people'll say that i am mean, but what the hell right?? hehehe i laughed. really, you shud see the warming up steps, siap ada lagu dangdut lagi!! and best of all, if you were to see puan saodah, you won't want to be taking her aerobic classes because she does not live up to the name (she is horizontally challenged).
the race started at 0736 hours for my category. it was better than last year as then, it started somewhere nearing 0900 hours!! i paced myself running unlike others who sped up as soon as they hear the gunshot (terkejut kott?). so, i ran and ran.... and guess who accompanied me? well, was my running companion all throughout except for the last leg of the run when my earphones kept on falling out and i couldn't be bothered no more. while i was running, my troubled knee started giving way, but i kept on. i shouldn't let something like that stop me eh?
till the finishing line i trotted while somewhere in the middle of the running way,i interacted with the COO and VC. they did warn me not to be faster than them. but i just couldn't help it. :D
i tot i was already very slow and maybe i'll be in the first 15 as i did last year when i got number 11....but that was not the case.....

can't believe myself, i got number 3!!!
the day wasn't that bad after all....
you go girl! Congrats!
thanks cahaya. it is all about the law of attraction and believing in myself :P
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