Sunday, April 27, 2008

traditional scientific words

this is specially for medical people that are just about to practice the art of medicine soon. hopefully, this is helpful in some ways.

here are some local terms that are used by patients in order to express themselves.

  • melarat - RADIATE (especially for pain)
  • ketuat - SKIN TAG / PAPILLOMA
  • ketumbit - STYE (inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid)
  • pedih ulu hati - GASTRIC REGURGITATION
  • tahi pucat - STEATORRHEA
  • nyawa - BREATHING

kalau ada salah, sorry. kalau ada nak tambah, don't shy shy cat, nanti get lost the way.

some ++ by djambu:

  • kematu - CORN (bukan yg makan tu, tp kat tapak kaki)
  • mata ikan - ORAL ULCER (i'm not certain tp org belah2 selatan i.e. melaka/johor yg gune. org perak xgune) <- i have never heard of this one -red-
  • dedar (pronounced as 'dedor') - SUBFEBRILE TEMPERATURE usually wit general malaise (yg ni org perak guna)


Anonymous said...

Wahahah! This post made me LOL sampai terkejut flatmate aku! Karat punya translation, tapi tepat tu tepat.

Anonymous said...

wow, sumtg for me? tq. terasa diriku dihargai :P

here r some more:
kematu - CORN (bukan yg makan tu, tp kat tapak kaki)
mata ikan - ORAL ULCER (i'm not certain tp org belah2 selatan i.e. melaka/johor yg gune. org perak xgune)
dedar (pronounced as 'dedor') - SUBFEBRILE TEMPERATURE usually wit general malaise (yg ni org perak guna)

i'll keep u posted kalo ada teringat lg. hehe

*SiRibenMerah said...

Ilmu neh berguna.. ahaks=P