19-09-08: today, i "turned" 19 again (as according to narisha, but really, i am ALWAYS stuck at 19 :P ). the whole day was full of blessed things that happened to me. i am genuinely really happy and i am so glad to be surrounded by much love and happiness.....
the day started off (at about 0000hours) by getting SMSes from my friends. and then, my adrenaline was already in full throttle, i barely even sleep till sahur, during which nana wished me happy birthday. then, in the morn, i sent her to school cause mama and yah were still very sleepy. after that, i came back and continued my sleep. at around 0955hours, i was awaken by a fon call from......FLY FM!! they called me up for the SHOW STOPPER bit (which i did not request. but i did request for a wakeup call) and BEN and PHABES wished and sang the birthday song for me. to top that, they even gave a pressie which consists of a dining experience at the HALIA RESTAURANT, sime darby park!! super cool eh?
http://mikeyip.com/2008/06/20/sime-darbys-halia/then, more SMSes came in. i also got a wish from mama's friend aunty avalone. that was nice of her...
after picking nana up from school, we went to atria to hang out and shop (of course), while waiting for yah to finish her college. we were just killing time, browsing thru the place. nothing much but being an ardent shopper (myself and mama), we got some great finds. while we were at the bookstore, nana spotted some hula hoops. for the sake of fun, we had a go, and of course, i am so damn cacat as to how to hula. nana on the other hand is quite the expert!

in the evening, we went to NAGOMI shabu shabu/sushi bar for my birthday dinner and iftar. it was something new as i have never tried shabu shabu before. although, i can say that it is almost the same as having steamboat (more of this later). after iftar, i excused myself to the ladies as i was already very bloated with fluid (read: soup and coke lite). when i came back, the pressies were already waiting for me.....
terkejut tengok pressies atas meja.
as you all know, i had a wish list somewhere, somwtime ago posted in this blog, tapi ntah kemana dah menghilang. but thank God, my family had seen it before and i got some of the things that were on my list. but the epicenter of the items that i wanted was.....

a pair of MARY JANE CROCS!!! OMG!!! i was sooooooooo happy!! siap ada jibbitz lagi tu. and they are so cute. this was from SHADI. thanks man!!! this is the first item on my wish list and it was also the first pressie that i opened. so so so happy!
(peeps, gue udah dapat deh!! jadinya kamu bleh get other pressie for gue ya ;P )

this is a charm bracelet full of RED trinklets from narisha and pott. they also got me 3 super cute statement Ts that suit me oh-so-well because it is all about RECYCLING. mana la they found those Ts!!?!? love the Ts!!!
and pott also got me a U-mobile starter pack with rm10 topup (tak cukup tu....) and an entry http://aminashaari.com/2008/09/19/happy-birthday-marlyne/ for my birthday. TOUCHED!!

one of the other items on the list was books from MARIAN KEYES, which was given to me by yah. she said that she spent ALL her money to get me the book, therefore her card was just a piece of tearout paper stating exactly why she didn't get me a birthday card. takpe, it is the tot that counts can. and frankly, i don't want no cards man, the book is already making me happy like mad! hehe
nana got me some makeups from ELIANTO and a book for sisters from BLUEMOUNTAIN. that is very sweet of her but i haven't got any pictures here yet. nanti kakak lin upload k from bamin nyer sony alpha. she got the first birthday hug from me... ;)

mama got me this book, in which she wrote some notes for me. this book is all about her feelings towards me and how proud is she of me, her love for me, and obviously, how much i meant to her. i haven't read thru yet but i saw some quotes in it that were very touching. she also gave me a very heart warming card, a working blouse and pants, and of course the BIRTHDAY DINNER. thanks for everything ma... I LOVE YOU!
after dinner, i had LECKA LECKA ice cream (as that too was on my wish list). oissshhh..... that touched the button la! really, i was craving for it and finally, i got it. i was saving my calorie spare for that purpose only. heheheh
all in all, i had a GREAT birthday this year (honest!!). thanks all for the wishes and love!!
.....and..... for those yang terlambat tu.... tak la terlambat lagi kan. if you don't know what to get me, haaa.... get me some japanese stuffs so that i can decorate my japanese-themed home in SP!