Friday, October 10, 2008

under my umbrella

as i was making my way to class this afternoon, i can't help but noticed this brightly coloured flyer pasted on the glass door.

it made me wonder: is THAT umbrella really worth it for you to make such great search for it??

go and get a new one la. rather than spending money doing all this printing and paper wastage, use the money to get a bigger and better umbrella.

come to think of it, i should go and get one new one for myself since the last that i had, has one of its hinges broken.

at least i don't waste my time printing announcement looking for an mbrella doctor eh?


Jahwarhar Nazrin Abdul Rashid said...

hehe.. mana tahu red payung tu ada someone special yang beri/ ada nilai sentimental .. kadang-kadang benda yang murah pun (bukan payung pun) lebih bernilai, worth it.. =). maybe sebab tu kot dia buat iklan macam tu...

to me, it's ok la with that flyer around as long dia tahu apa yang dia buat kan..

djambu puadovich said...

payung tu ada tulis 'roma italia'...ada kemungkinan payung tu dibeli di rom, itali...susah woo nak beli payung kat rom. tiket mahal! :D

redSeptember said...

atau ini adalah satu iklan gimik untuk dia berkenalan ngan orang? siap bagi fon number and nama lagi tu... :P