sekali tengok, the jam was caused by the line of cars queing up to fill up petrol. can you imagine?? the line actually was the cause of the whole blahdy jam. we pelik la kan, pehal lak orang nak isi minyak ni? takut tersangkut dalam jam ka? ada petrol free ka? ada upacara minum kopi free ka? sikit lagi nak join tu.... so kami pun balik umah, buat bo je ngan apa yang kami nampak tadi kat shell tu.
tengok, amani pun terkejut ni pasal price hike tu.
esoknyer pulak, baru la kami sedar, kenapa la ramai naa manusia beratur nak isi minyak. petrol price hike (again)!! laaa... kalau depa isi minyak petang semalam sampai penuh, does it make any difference? boleh tahan untuk 5 tahun ke apa? bodo macam tunggul....satu litre = rm2.70 . alah, malu-malu pulak government yang dysfunctional ni. kan ke kita dah intro rounding up figure. apa tak hike je sampai rm10 selitre? haaa... tu la rounding up ala2 kerajaan malaysia ni.
hari tu dah naik harga kan? kenapa la nak naik lagi ni? tak cukup ke orang dah bayar cukai tanah la, cukai rumah la, cukai kereta la, cukai badan la, cukai apa lagi.... semua dah bayar kan? ni nak naik2 harga ni kenapa? hari tu beras, ni petrol, gula pun pernah jadi control item. kenapa tak naik kan harga arak ke, harga door kat club ke, harga rokok mmg dah naik kan hari tu, naikkan lagi la. hike up harga plastic ke supaya orang tak pollute the earth, by recycling more. kenapa harga lain tak naik, harga benda penting yang naik?
nampak naa government bangang tak fikir bebetul sebelum hiking up the price. they don't have to worry actually cause petrol derang dibayar guna duit rakyat. see what happens:
bila the petrol hike lidis, people are forced to use the cheaper petrol that is more polluting than the good ones.
so what happened to the 'go green' campaign? the 'earth day' stint? the 'recycle' programme? that the kerajaan has implied to save the environment? nampak gaya macam dah ke laut jadinya. bila buat kerja tak fikir dulu, macam ni la jadinya. mula2 cakap macam ni, pastu go against their own words. tak ke hypocrit macam ni? aku marah betul la. tak cukup polluted ke dunia ni? aku tau la most of the kerajaan people are old and dying soon, tapi what about the future gen? jangan la selfish sangat kan.
then bila dah tak mampu nak isi minyak kereta, bonceng la moto pulak kan? la ni orang bonceng moto ni ada yang ok, ada yang k.o. pastu, orang yang bawa kereta pulak tend to generalize the mat2 moto as 'rempits'. bila dah fikir macam ni, orang yang bawa kereta tak kisahkan keselamatan pemoto2 and bawa kereta macam psycho. lagi la banyak accident macam ni.
karang nak kena buat kempen kesedaran pasal 'pandu/bonceng cermat, jiwa selamat' la pulak. nak kena guna duit kerajaan lagi. kan ke membazir macam ni? derang ni (government) tak pernah belajar pasal "chain reaction" atau "domino's effect" ke? oh ya, sorry. mmg derang tak tau pun sebab most of the government officials are not scientific people. semua buat kerja pakai perasan jiwa raga aja, takyah nak fikir2.
and then, pada yang lagi nak save/safe, naik la pulak public trans. ni lagi la, berbuih mulut soh make it more efficient, tapi haram. nothing. nada. ZERO. nak promo public trans, tapi jadual macam ayam. tak kerap, tak cukup, tak best langsung!!
dah la orang nak cepat ke destination kan. kang lambat masuk kerja, kena potong gaji. bila tak cukup duit, pastu harga barang naik, macam mana nak hidup pulak? kang terpaksa mencuri, naik la pulak crime rate. pastu salah sapa la macam ni? tolong jawap sket.
pergi kerja/college/dating/outing wangi2. perfume sebotol. pastu poket/purse/wallet penuh la ngan duit kan sebab tak nak hutang ngan orang. lagipun harga tkt public trans dah naik juga.

aku tak terkejut la kalau suicide rate pun meningkat nanti. dah nak buat macam mana kan? orang tension ngan this kind of hike that occurs almost every month! ingat apa? kaya sangat ke semua orang?
encik kerajaan, len kali, nak buat kerja tolong buat mind map arr? takkan tak belajar kat sekolah dulu macam mana nak buat kan? ke tak pernah pergi sekolah? dapat jadi government official sebab ada kroni dalam sana? haaa... jangan buat malu naa. kang orang cakap kau bodo, kau marah pulak. nak marah kenapa? dah memang ya pun...
RED mmg really pissed with this issue.
apekah korok?
korok tu otak yang tak berakal... haaa.. tu la dia korok.
hemm, marah sangat nampak!!!! baru sebulan lebih rasa isi minyak, dah marah betul. cakap apa pun, kutuk buruk mana pun, dia orang ni dah bebal. hidup la kita sayang,nyawa masih ada. even if the world is to end tomorrow, these ppl will still be as they are.
semua orang terasa dgn new petrol price nie. nak wat cemane? what u said is true red. dorang nie x belajar chain reaction and tak tau how to close the loop.
p/s: i skrg jalan kaki g office.
it is not about the price actually ma, it is about how they do their jobs. tu yang buat i piss off giler ngan derang.
seriously, bila buat kerja tak fikir, this is what happens you know.
kenapa la nak jadi redundant sangat kan?
you know, sejak i balik tu kan, i chose to walk to curve instead of drive. burn the fat, save the environment, save the mullahs.
sekali lagi soalan...
why 'save the mullahs'? (?;?)
djambu puadovich said...
sekali lagi soalan...
why 'save the mullahs'? (?;?)
June 8, 2008 9:37 PM
mullahs = $$, in my sister's terms
wow...marah amat ya red..hehehe...sabar2...itu ujian untuk lebih maju ke depan yer dak..heheh
dorang mmg tamak...xpernah cukup...
hmm... how can the future be better when they are spoiling it now?
ni bukan tamak dah ni, ni kira tahap tak ingat dan tak sedar kuasa rakyat.
Red, join the club. I'm frickin' pissed off too. I am aware that the govt is not responsible for the pricing of commodity - that's a global thing (the Bush Administration is mainly at fault) but it's just the way they've been doing their jobs -- or rather, haven't. They had the nerve to tell us to change our lifestyle due to the price hike. The fuck? I haven't seen any exemplary "kepimpinan melalui tauladan" pun, nak mengada-ngada commanding us to change our lifestyle. Our public transportation is a world-class joke. Cuba kalau diorang rasa naik sekali... or for a whole week and compare it to their cushy rides on their Beemers. Recycling centre pun tarak in most major township... and they wanna talk about conservation and saving the environment as a way to change lifestyle due to the price hike. Porah!
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