WHAT? : The FIRST meet of bloggers from anywhere, any genre, any interest.
WHY? : for fun. get to know your fellow bloggers off9. enjoy each other's company. lepak. chill. xchange ideas, tots.
WHEN? : tentatively, this SATURDAY 17th may '08. 12-ish in the noon.
WHERE? : Secret Recipe, KL Sentral
WHO? : no organizers. just us bloggers.
NEEDS : good responses from bloggers like you ;)
count me in... misvlad too.
erkkk...juz can't make it la ...i'm in Penang,and on that day my friends is come over..maybe sum other day k Red...
will b held kat mana ea gath ni?
upon suggestion. area KL/PJ.
do extend the invo yeah!
the more the merrier ^^
msvlad in the wagon..
so count me in as well then...
err..red? menu ape? chapati ka? erm.. or other else? well.. i suggest that we kumpul kat kl sentral.. ok ke?
KL sentral?
hmmmm... what would you suggest we do? i don't think we can go to the chapatti place as i don't quite remember the way to go there.
or we can just have some drink kat papa kopitiam in kota damansara.
have you extended the invis?
pappa kopitiam tu cam ok. pilih tempat tak sebuk ngan orang. kang silap aribulan RELA datang sekor-sekor kena cekup masuk dalam jel cam Raja Petra..hahahahahah..
kehadiran saya belum tentu lagi sebab takut kena kutuk ngan abang anda.
tu la... i was thinking there if not chillis OU.
thinking aja
ouh... okey.. anywhere also can la up 2 u people. i just thinking to lepak at secret recipe at kl sentral as i know the owner and the manager. Plus on weekends, kl sentral x lah bz sangat and the place nie mcm boleh reach via public transport.
red, yeah i will separate the invis..
Haai...really wanted to go join u guys since I'm now a reborn-blogger. Hehehee. My new blog is called 'Revival' because its been dead for more than a year. :D
Anyway...hv fun with the gathering. Post up something abt it later ok.
yeahh!!!lets gath+makan2!!
athena, msvlad, langlegar,
seems like we're the only ones yang nak g. well, lets make the best out of it. kalau dah small group kan, i think the SR in sentral sounds good. maybe can meet you guys there. you guys have gotten ne1 else to join? at least kalau 10 peeps pun best juga kan?
we'll meet around 12 ish in the noon?
well, lets see till fri. then, kalau no response juga, we close the invi la huh.
jes try to get round 10 peeps to come k.
huish...katna gath ni Red??Nak joinn......!!~
SR at kl sentral pn ok jgk..
well it a start kam..
mane tau next time it will get good sambutan plk..
the more the merrier,but we might not know well each other well enuf pula kan..
er.. red dearie.. confirm ke sr kl sentral? if then i want to book special couch for us?
hye kimie... come on la join the gath.. everyone is welcome..
ok doll. go ahead.
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