about a week back, after i came back here from KL, i saw this sign all over the campus. i thought this was just a small event. but boy was i wrong.....
a week later, the event REALLY DID take place today. and it was a HUGE one.
this was how the GREAT hall

looked like. all the guests were waiting for PAK LAH and the GANG (samyvelly, lim leong sek) to arrive. the VIPs consists of professors and doctors from, let me name some, OXFORD, SOUTH HAMPTON, BRISTOL unis (just to name a few), who helped in designing the curriculum of the SCHOOL OF MEDICINE of AIMST.

as an active student, eventhough i am in my clinical years, i decided to help out in this auspicious event by volunteering to be an usher. but in the end, i wasn't actually ushering per se, i was practically doing other jobs as well. and of course hand-picked a few times for the jobs.
i was not supposed to welcome PAK LAH and the

GANG. but jo-ee and i were picked to stand in the frontline and lucky for us, we got to salam tangan with PAK LAH. students weren't allowed in the GREAT HALL, lucky us, we got in!

of course le the boring speeches have to take place. and i am amused at how, dato' seri samyvellu, after so long being a minister, his BM is still so teruks!! haiz.....
some performances from TEMPLE OF

FINE ARTS. bukan nak cakap apa la... kata MULTIRACIAL, tapi semuanya nampak macam "GELAP" aja.. no comment....
have you ever seen a fireworks display in the MIDDLE of THE AFTERNOON? i don't think so. but in aimst, anything is possible (including wasting money doing something stupid like burning things like this and you can't even see anything).

there were flame throwers as well. and the display was done near the flags. kalau terkena flag tu lepas tu terbakar how leyy? never think is it?

they also had the confetti thing.another waste of money.
this is how the aftermath of the display looked like.

taken from the 3rd floor f the CONE, where the press conference was supposed to take place.

the press conference room. i don't believe that aimst even had this super cool place!! the sound system was flawless!!
we were supposed to assist the bigshots

in taking their seats for the press conference.

obviously, camwhorring has to take place. heheheh sementara menuggu kan, takkan nak buang masa begitu aja tak? mesti buat something yang productive. :P
main sama mic. maklum la, jakun kan

ada benda canggih macam ni kat aimst. ni bukan adengan lucah ye, harap maklum.

sebab PAK LAH nak datang, haaa.... amik kau! the meal was done by EDEN catering. gawsh!! after so long, finally, REAL food is actually served on campus grounds.

students who are not allowed in the hall are placed in the makeshift marquees that were AIR-CONDITIONED (ni dah mmg all out event la ni) and equipped with screens and flat screens, where the event inside the GREAT HALL was projected on.
CONGRATULATIONS aimst for the GRAND OPENING!! (finally la... haizzz....)
usher je dah la...xyah la nk usher'er'...kui3 :P
adoiyay.... salah la pulak. hehehe..... thanks cekgu anglais :P
hehe red jd usher ka..me used to be jgk..seronok jd usher sbb nnt ley mkn2 besh same mereka haha..miss the moment jd geng2 usher+protokol..
hmm... congrats2...
u bitch
i know i am. but who la this so scared to use real name one? haiiyaaa.... what is this. berani kerana benar ma...
kamon la dude, grow up already. stop calling names behind back la. haizz....
what is this.
you funny kekekeke
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