last friday, 2 years later, there i was, at another wedding of a close family member, wawa. this time round, i don't feel scared, bt i feel like, this is an experience that i would like to go thru one day. sounds like i am pretty sure about it. although, i am not rushing towards it, mind. just that someday, maybe, insya'Allah, i'll see myself there, in the center of it all being the glorified bride. one MAJOR problem though..... i don't even have anyone in particular (a BF) to even start off the process. what a let down (-_-")......
wawa looked like an angel. she was so selamba tho. i can't even detect a hint of nervousness in her. she, the last of the 3 sisters to get married and her affair on that day was a simple yet sweet one.
after the akad was done, instead of going to wawa to put on the wedding ring, amirul went out of the house, thinking that the ceremony was over. prolly he was really nervous that he forgot that part hehehe... wawa was just picture perfect, waiting for her wedding ring. they had to call him back in and get on with the ring exchange ceremony. they both looked like a match made in heaven.
the hantaran from wawa consists of real cool stuffs! she got him a PSP slim, a really funky watch, a LEWRE pair of shoes, and some other stuffs that i can't quite remember. and from him was i don't know whats, plus a cool mobile phone! wahhh... zaman sekarang, the hantaran is getting more tech savvy as compared to the traditional hantarans. well, if i were to get married, i would love to have nintendo Wii and/or guitar hero as my hantaran!!
of course, at the end of the nikah day (080808), we had to take the latest photos of ourselves. they say mama looks like CLEOPATRA. betul ke? narisha looks like a doll, nana looks like an angel, i look like ........ (fill in the blanks yourselves ;) ), and of course, pott look like what else but poyo!
the next day was another simple affair for the bersanding and majlis makan2. nothing super hyped but it was a close knit one. of course, we come to meet families that we don't even know ans those that we haven't seen for a long time. kisses and hugs and salams were exchanged as well as the run through of each others latest occurances in our lives.
and this is enot. my cuz from segamat. she is so damn kawaii!! the last i saw her was about a month back when i was in kampung. we met briefly as i was rushing to catch the train back to kl. but she is very warm towards me. and as soon as i met her, i became her arm-candy. she'll hold my hand and drag me along wherever she goes. she is just too adorable.
so, there goes, another marriage, another happiness, and yet another single me. *smiles*
day by day so many peoples laaa getting married...a lot of my frieds too....u bila lagik???
tu la dia nyer. "u bila lagi?" <~soalan yang menusuk kalbu. hehehe... as i said axim, boyfriend pun RED takde lagi. ehehhehe
wonderful pics!!! :) and lovely perantin too... :)
**dewan mcm kat taman tun...
tere arr love-and-hate. mmg ye pun kat taman tun
doll? muahhah.. kembang i..!
tq sweetie!
hantaran dia i pun geram... adoi.. mac make-up tu...
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