after the first meet, out of courtesy, I asked, how did we fare. little did I know, they were some people injured. so, she asked me if I wanted to join in. I was excited, yes, I was. because I really wanted to play. from our conversation that we had, I understood that I was going to play the team that evening. so, I got ready my stuffs and joined the team for practice that evening. what I did not know that I was made the SUB. fine…. maybe I could join in the second half. I even sacrificed my gym time that evening, just so that I could play the team.
first half came and went. I wasn’t called. but from what I can see from the sideline, there was this particular player, *Lorraine, that was in that time. I mean, ok, I am not a good player myself. but from what I see, she could have done much better if she could actually catch the bloody ball. what she did instead was, she just sort of slap the ball away, so that the other team does not catch it. but, much to the contrary, the other team caught it! after the whistle blew, marking the interval, I told her that she should catch the ball. and I was given an answer that I couldn’t comprehend: “I can’t catch the ball, so that was why I did that”. right……
the whistle sounded again for the 2nd half. I was waiting to be called in, still nothing. Lorraine was still doing the same thing she did in the first half. people from the sideline were telling her to actually try to catch the ball. I didn’t remember seeing that happened, oh wait, I didn’t see that happen at all. and there was *Carra, who was screaming and all, like she was lost or something. but at least she did handle the ball. and I was thinking, why am I here if you don’t even let me replace these people? I can’t guarantee that I’d do better, but I sure will try for the team.
ok, so we won. I shouldn’t complain right? wrong, I should! I felt really stupid just standing there doing nothing. I mean, you called me right, for what actually? I want to play, not be sidelined. the next day, they were to play again, and just because “the players” were all present, they totally forgot about me, even as a sub.
omg…. if next time you want to call me just to fill up your quota, please, I am engaged. try again, like never!
unless, you want me to play, then I am available.
at least, they asked you right, they dint even ask me or ask openly in the class and yet, it is a game of batch 9!!!
ya lorr. what is this?
they have secret society is it?
i dunno how secret it is but it is disappointing as i thought they will ask in the class but hey dint ...
yes v were very disappointed by their action
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