i was uber excited when i saw the tv. well, as you all know, i totally do not watch any tv when i am in campus. this is mainly due to the fact that most of the time, the tv in the common area is conquered by them, and they'll watch those programmes that i have no idea what they are talking, about as they are speaking that language that i don't understand (you know what i mean).
but to my dismay (and my wonder), the tv was not working. there was a sign beneath it. upon closer reading, the tv is not working because of some technical difficulties. hurmmmm....
when the conductor came in, we asked him, what was actually going on with the tv. the answer was that they haven't installed the whole system properly yet as they only had enough to put the sets in but not the main system player that will be playing the programmes that are supposed to be aired on those monitors.
weird.... if you can't afford, don't give false hope to the passengers la.
mama and nana got the bottom berth as they were sharing.
REd monyeting around. actually spider-ing around, more like. that is the detachable ladder that i was talking about. just doing a durability test to them ladder-hangers on the wall. boy! there are attached to the wall like steel!! they could hold me up!!
as we entered the house, we ber our salams. and while we were cleaning the house, i put the recitation of surah AL-BAQARA on, from my lappy.
mama came and saw the house and she approved of it (thank GOD!!). i gave her the liberty to decorate the house as how she would like it to be, especially my room. we are planning for a japanese-themed home. so, we'll save on buying to much unnecessary furniture.
she even bought for us "garam mentah" to "ikat" the house. this is just a precaution so that we will not be disturbed by those unwanted entities.
hopefully, i can move in by syawal as i am still bounded to the hostel's contract. so, do pray for me that everything will run smoothly for me.
and, oh yeah, we are planning to have a house warming party once everything is settled. so, if you guys are around sungai petani, come dropby X)~ ...seriously....
i also tried to decipher this line here: "unity thru culture"
what culture and unity for what actually? ermm, sorry to say la kan, but i don't think ALL the students/staffs here are INDIAN. there are, although still very minor, an increasing rate of influx of people from races other than indian that are enrolling or working in aimst.
as you can CLEARLY see, ALL the invited performers are INDIAN. some of them are from astro, or so they boast. if they could invite astro's personalities to perform here, why can't they invite other races from astro as well?
i mean, the chinese need to see their culture too, and since it will be held in ramadhan, it would be nice to hear some marhaban being recited. what about the bumis from west malaysia? they should see their culture being displayed as well right?
i am sure of the MAJORness (got arr such word??) of this event as the tickets are sold even to outsiders as far as in IPOH and of course PENANG.
so, you tell me, is it CULTURAL or INDIAN?
jo-ee says that instead of wasting money and paper for the posters, they could have saved the money and used the paper for other better purposes.
if i am not careful, sooner or later, something is gonna stab thru his soles and leave a gaping heart for all to see.
Arancione used to be identical. but now, one side of him is missing some parts.
although he is in a bad condition, he still persists. but i am saddened by his condition. no matter how much i care for him, i know one fine day he'll just go dead on me.
thank you Arancione, for being my most loyal friend who never done anything to hurt me and always thrive to make me happy.
PP/S: bila la aku nak dapat kasut sport baru ni?? (T_T)
last nite, i was contemplating wether or not i should go for the medical campaign as there were only 2 people that were taken from my batch, myself and GCM. i was actually rather tired and i wanted to take my sleeping supplements so that i can sleep in and feel all refreshed the next day. but then again, i thought to myself:
i want to go in the name of education. i can sleep in anytime in my life, but to go to Baling and join the seniors for the health campaign, that is something that does not come too often. so, with my being tired aside, i decided that i shall go.
i was more than psyched to go.
the groom's family bringing some tokens for the bride.
the bride and groom. she is really beautiful and sweet looking but the makeup that she had on was a little too heavy. he is from kelantan, she is from kedah. if i am not mistaken, one of them is actually a teacher somewhere. no wonder they want to have reception during school holz!! or is it a trend?
the lunch spread for the bride and groom and their immediate family members.
i have been to many weddings before but i find the weddings that are held in this kampung rather weird. this is because the ladies are separated from the men in terms of dining.it is not that they are not allowed to mingle, it is just that they are seated separately. i have been to weddings in hardcore kelantan, but we were not seated separately. is it because it is a tradition here in kedah?
anyway, it does not matter actually because we were seated with the men. the kampung people treated AIMST student like royalties!! seriously!!. whatever that we want, they will accomodate. somethings that we didn't ask for, they just give us. they really pamper us!! they totally treat us differently from the other guests that were there and we feel so honoured to be given such treatment.
usually, we are supposed to be giving some gifts for the bride and groom. but instead, when we went home, we were the one that were bringing gifts from them! local fruits!! seriously, they won't let you go unless you take some home with you and eventhough you have eaten more than enough at the wedding, and they insist that you dropby at their houses, they still want to serve you some refreshments. aiyaaa.... where to fit all that leyy?? so damn bloated already.
moral of the story: when going to weddings in kampungs, come with a REALLY empty stomach. they will want to feed you as if you just came from a place suffering from famine.
but then again, if you are forced to eat JAYA CATERERS food every single day, famine is the nicest way to say about it.