please la. kau ingat aku hadab sangat ke nak pakai barang kau? besi buruk tu aku nak buat apa? please, really, aku nak buat apa? aku takde hati pun nak sentuh la weii...
if you have insecurity issues, solve it yourself. i don't want to get tangled in your twisted drama.
oh, bai the roti, didn't anyone teach you to not just barge into people's space? kau tak dengar ke aku kata "hold on!"? nak cotton buds to clean up the 2 holes on the sides of your thick skull?
haaa... kan ke aku dah marah ni.
p/s: dah 3 hari berturut2 orang test my patience ok. aku dah nak meletup pun iye juga ni. tolong la saper2, tolong la tenang kan aku
bai roti mana lak ni yang menganggu idup ko
bai the roti = by the way lorrhhh... +_+
LOLs peace
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