Thursday, January 31, 2008
visual and intellectual conflict

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
eating is the new BLACK

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008
christmas all over again for me (the RED and GREEN story)

yeah, i know, too much details right? actually, for those who know me, they would know that i am soooo damn happy now that i am back to NORMAL again. alhamdulillah.... i have been on the "dry land" for a little over 2 years due to my severe weight loss (now tembam like mad already!!! waaaa..... kena loose a bit lohhh). i tot i was undergoing immature menopause and i was sad but i never showed it. now, not anymore. i feel super brand NEW! so damn happy!!!
that was the RED part of the story. now, lets move on to the GREEN, shall we?
since we didn't manage to tailor-make our baju raya last year, this year, mama came up with another tactic (gawwwsshhh!!! are we playing COUNTER STRIKE here?). her brilliant idea is to get the materials as soon as NOW and start the process of looking for the best tailor to make our garments. but because we are all GIRLS, the subject of what colour would the baju raya be this year was almost a warcrime, hair-pulling, ass-spanking (eh,this part is good right?) episode. so, we've decided to draw lots. see, for the reason of being fair, i decided that the odds should be 1:10 rather than 1:4. so, i wrote down the 7 colours of the rainbow and added brown (mama's choice), white, and turquoise. mama was the person to draw and i (again) was the announcer of the result. and the winner is......

step 1: wear GREEN baju raya!
......ME of course! i wanted GREEN and we got GREEN!
F/N: not so 'SHORT NOTE' after all eh?
Saturday, January 26, 2008
as always, i wanna be the PRO of 'em all. but what a shame when i discovered that there are so many others that are soooooo TERE! even those tiny minute little creatures that have their skates bigger than their faces, can skate like a PRO!
after some rounds, i got bored and wanted to show off my skills. i started skating backwards, turning and even attempted to do the amateur FIGURE EIGHT.

.....i guess, writing the number 8 on a piece of paper using my toes to hold the pen would be much much much more easier.
as you would have guessed, my attempt was to no avail. more like i kept on loosing my balance and lucky enough, i did not have to suffer the embarassment of falling.
then, i was eyeing the mini people (kids, i mean) having their lessons. i tried to pick up some of the skills that were tot. so what now, you ask? well, what else, but to skate with one leg only!

i did lift up my leg and yeah, i managed to skate with ONE LEG ONLY (albeit is being only for a few centimetres from the starting point). but of course i don't look like this. good part is: at least i was dressed almost like this, with my tights and fru-fru skirt, and the works (gawsh!!! the length i'd go to look the part!)
well, i did enjoy myself tho, which is much more important right. yeah, and i burned somw calories while having fun!
today, i woke up with a bad ass bruise on my pretibial area (that is the skin your foreleg, for those who dunno....). haissshh.... you have fun loads and you HAVE to suffer a little, yeah?
take it or leave it.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
confessions of a coffee addict (the REAL re-enactment!)
so, what do i do? how can i go thru this? i am a self-confessed coffee addict. i HAVE, no i MUST have my coffee fix at least twice per day, that is how bad i am. to top that, it does not make me stay awake at all. i am already tolerant to it. all it does is that it gives me the comfortable feeling of having some kind of stimulant in my body.
with a hardcore determination, i decided to go and do the unimaginable: i tried to make some coffee with whatever devices and raw materials that we have at home. so this is my short-lived journey of what i went thru to have ONE (unsuccessful) coffee fix. it's sad. so, be ready with some kleenex to dry those puffy eyes later.....

it started off with a handful of coffee beans that mama got fron Wien (see in the background: JACAOBS ESPRESSO k).

wanted to use this coffee maker that mama got for me from Wien also. but this thing does not grind the coffee beans and we need coffee filter paper, which we don't have. i don't wanna spoil this thing, so i decided not to use it.

instead, i went MALAYSIAN style and used the old school pestle and mortar (batu lesung and batu tumbuk la). but you know right, even if you use the food processor, or blender, or this, the smell and the essence of the last thing (imagine the taste of COFFEE + BELACAN or COFFEE + KUNYIT, mesti sodap!!) that was put in here is stuck there, right.

so, i moved on to using a plastic cup as the base. amazingly, i managed to crush the beans.

but not as fine as i desired. nevermind, as long as i get to have the beans crushed, i can only hope and pray that the next step to this culinary adventure (as amira would call it), is getting my COFFEE FIX! woooohoooo!!!

to my dismay, this was the result of my heart wrenching, muscle busting (at least i got a good workout, eh?) effort. even with hot boiling water, i didn't get the heavenly brew i wanted (cue: enter kleenex, start crying your hearts out).

sad ain't it?
Mamma Mee-a!
i have been wanting to write a FOOD BLOG since i read a few foodies' blogs over the net. most of them are from singapore and i noticed that they are lacking reviews of the amazing food that are available in MALAYSIA. i hope this new addition to the FOODIES' blogs that i am making an attempt to write will give some benefit to everyone (are there actually anyone who reads my blog? haiiishhhh).
for my first FOOD BLOG ever, i wanna give a review about this hidden treasure place that (thank God!) we found somewhere near where we are staying. this place is kinda secluded as to the fact it is rather new.
the first impression when you enter this restaurant would be 'haiisshhh, another kopitiam arr?" see, the new-age, high-end kopitiams are growing and appearing like popping rabbits nowadays. and it seems like they have no inclination of making it somewhat different from the other. they serve the same blahdy thing in almost ALL the kopitiams. but this place that we found is so much different. the setting is like a kopitiam setting. the ambience was very rustic and the place is so CLEAN!
the counter where food are prepared. very kampung looking right? i like.....
there are alot of these traditional bits and pieces that are found all over the place. really cute and reminds you so much of being in the desa....look at the stools! classic ain't it?
we sat and have a look at the menu. it was a simple 2-face page cardboard thingy. but the detail that they put into designing the menu, it simply look adorable.
the MENU.
this were what we ordered:
HOT BARLEY: nothing much to say about this as it tastes the same as any other kopitiam barley. it has a hint of pandan in it. it is premixed with sugar. so for those who want it to be sugar-free, i am so sorry, but you have no say in this. but the sweet waiter asked if i want mine to be less sweet. i opted for that and yeah, true to his words, it was less sweet, which i managed to drink but end up feeling super guilty! (gawwssshhh.... i am so damn paranoid!) RM 1.80
CINCAU: same thing oso. RM2.00
MEE JAWA: this was the first to arrive. the serving was HUGE!. it came with sambal kosong, sambal sotong, half an egg, and some chinese-style crackers. the gravy was not too thick and the seasoning of everything was perfect to the T. it is not too spicy for those who can't take spicy food. but it is definately DELICIOUS! RM6.90

ASAM LAKSA: this one tastes EXACTLY like the ones that you can find ONLY in GURNEY DRIVE, PENANG! i am so not over exagerrating on this but it is TRUE! the gravy was perfect, the serving was HUGE, it had pineapple slices, daun kesum, and all that jazz! this is so mouthwatering. i wanted to order one for myself but seeing that i had GASTRIC attack (why la now??), i couldn't eat much. so i was basically pinching from others. RM5.90
NYONYA FRIED CHICKEN: i didn't eat this one cause it was deep-fried. but it looked too tempting that i was on the verge of having a bite of it!!! (noooo... control is the key!). nevertheless, others who had it said that it was sooooo nice. the marinade was perfect and the sauce that came with it was good, not too sweet and not too spicy. the serving size was not so bite-sized therefore, it was worth it. the chicken pieces were crispy on the outside, yet still very moist inside, unlike some other places where you get the chicken to be super dehydrated if want it to be crispy. RM6.00
BUBUR PULUT HITAM: sorry cause i didn't have a picture of this. kinda forget to take a snap of it. but it looked amazing! it was thick and smelled really good. it was not too sweet and the hint of coconut milk made it all too addictive. the bowl was BIG that one could be shared. it was served warm, just nice for consumption. RM4.00
All in all, this place is very2 worth it. i would highly recommend this. when the bill came, there was no service charge to boot! how cool is that. the service was great, the place was clean and yet they don't charge us on this.
ADD: MEE JAWA, Unit B-0-3A, Block B, Casa Tropicana.
Tel: 012-4835555
Of course this place is CERTIFIED as HALAL!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
an early bird caught the worm (thaaattttsssss MOI!)
we were stuck in the morning school jam (blahdy chinese school!! hey, i am not racist k. but this school is super blahdy irritationg no matter where it is!) even tho we dashed out of the house at approx 0650. so, instead of my usual dose of ERA.FM, i had to tune in to HITZ.FM (thank GOD!) because my lovely sisters are ENGLISH-songs-only listeners.
so, JJ and RUDY were doing the 'SING IT TO ME BABY! UHUH! UHUH!' segment and out of impulse (as always), i gave them a buzz. initially, i accidentally dialled ERA.FM's number but i quickly realized this mistake and dialled the correct number. at the SECOND try, i got thru. actually, i have no idea as to how to go about playing this game, but i pressed on. it was damn funny leyy! cause i was trying to figure out what i was supposed to do. i trudged on, and finally got away with it. and guess what??? tho JJ said i had 'timing issues' with the singalong to 'SING IT WITH ME BABY! UHUH! UHUH!', i dun effing care. i had FUN with the DJs and a girl named felicia (hey, don't read it the wrong way k). the best thing was.... I WON!!! the prize was RM100 cash and CIBA VISION coloured contact lenses. woot! woot!
i hope the colour is green cause i know some people are just GREEN WITH ENVY with me right now. ALHAMDULILLAH... my LUCK struck yet again.
then in the mid morn, i joined mama to be a volunteer in the NATIONAL CANCER CENTRE of MALAYSIA. i felt kinda awkward at first cause i have never gone to this kind of things before. so, we met up with the surviving cancer patients and today, we had to give them an aromatherapy massage. i was practically shakaing at first cause i was afraid that i might hurt my partner. but in the end, she (my partner is an expat's wife hailing from northern india who had just had a masectomy) asked me to put more pressure in my massage as i was too 'delicate' hehehehe.... i gave her a nice head, back, hand, and face massage. we even had a nice talk.
it was so much fun as the organisers took me in as one of them right away, especially aunt cindy from kentucky. i was practically the youngest one there and one of the patients said that i looked a pro masseus (did i spell this right?).
as always, they didn't know that i finished high school already and well in my way thru uni. they tot that i was still in high school and kept on asking of what were i to do when i graduate from high school.... ahhhh.... kembang seyy...
i felt good helping them feel good.
try it.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
ketupat is my current phobia

there were 4 of us in each group. my team was called the MAROON 4 (cause mas likes the colour maroon) and consists of me, mas, udin, and os. i don't even know these 2 guys but as the race goes, we stick to the team power and regardless of our lack of introduction to each other, we became united as one.

today, i have done quite some things that i never tot that i would in a lifetime. these are the tasks that we had to do:
- terjun masuk sawah padi - at first i was reluctant to do this so os jumped in first. then, since the poor darling can't find the right clue (Cause at first he got a dummy), i didn't think any further, took of my shoes and socks, with my bag still on my back (mind you, it ain't LIGHT), i jumped into the sawah padi and the first word out of my mouth was 'FUCK'. i can't believe i was actually up to my knees in mud and i was trudging with my hands into the mud to look for clues! gawsh!! the things i'd do to WIN!
- the SUDOKU challenge - who would have tot right? as an ardent sudoku player, i tried to solve it. but my nerves got the best of me and most of the numbers were jumbled in my head like mad! so, udin jumped in, as well as mas and os, and we managed to get it done in record time.
F/N: from the sawah padi to the sudoku area, it was grass and land and guess what, i ran BAREFOOT from one point to the other! who the hell cares!
- Rumah Terengganu - THIS was the most effing task ever! i was so damn happy when they said that we had to make 5 ketupat casings. thank God! was my first tot cause i know how to make 'em. but after i am done with all 5, the effing marshals want them in 'ketupat bawang' style. what the ef?!??! i have no idea of how to make them. and because of this TASK, we actually didn't win any place in the rank of winners. we were stuck here for almost 2 hours. i nearly cried, not because of the gastric pain that was so overwhelming, but because of the thought that i know we won't make it as winners. stupid organizers!
- the fear food - here, all of us had to eat whatever that was given to us. and yeah, i was afraid. not because of the weird food combo that they might give us, but because i was afraid that they might give us any calorie/fat/sugar laden food that i don't think i can take! but thankfully, it was only a mix of cili sauce + kicap + raw egg. i took it in one gulp without thinking. i nearly effing puke everything out but i guess, taking into consideration that i was actually very HUNGRY, the mix didn't manage to make it's way out from my mouth.
- the TOWER - me and os ran to the next task, followed by mas and udin. i didn't want to be tagged as the HOGGER of tasks, so, i let os do the honours of this one. he really is so adorable and he ran up the tower to get the next clue. we were cheering him on from below. poor fellow, the amount of sweat!
- science of orchids - this was hands down, MY task. there were 10 SCIENTIFIC names of orchids out of which, 5 we have to remember and announce them to the marshall. i did it in one go and the marshall was astounded that i did it so fast and without mistake. hehehehe... that is the advantage of all those nights planting my nose in books (gawsh!!! have i become a geek???).
- the KNOT - this is another stupid EFFING task. we had to tie a chinese symbolic knot to perfection. mind you, it ain't EASY! i tried calling JO-EE for help (tho i know it won't make much different because she can't see what i was doing. but still, kenapa kau tak jawap arr??), but to know avail. good part was, i had fun flirting!! :P amazing, i actually know how to flirt and the guys were so adorably funny anf helpful cause they were the ones who actually tied the knots for my team (ahhh.... i know how to work my charm right).
- the DAM - it is DAMN far from the last point and it was uphill. running was a tad too much for me but i still press on. tot that we were gonna swim or shaites like that. but actually, it was an entry point to the jungle trekking task. it was a long trek in and yeah, i was actually running.
- the SPICE - i can't quite remember when did this task come in. i did this one. super EASY! we had to sniff some spices while being blindfolded and guess what are they. thanks to my knowledge in the culinary world (i am effing sure that i know more than amira ehhehe), this one was just a swing by.
after the jungle trek, there were 2 more tasks to be completed but we didn't do it because there is no need to. there are teams that already won and it made no difference as to whether we did the task or not.
at this point, i was at an all low. i really wanted to win.
come to think again, i ruled out the bad and the good things that happened today. and guess what??? the good prevailed!
- burned like a gazillion calories - CHECK
- did things that i never thought i could - CHECK
- check out cute guys - CHECK
- flirt with guys - SUPER CHECK
- made new friends - CHECK
- made guys jealous of me cause i had more stamina than them - DOUBLE CHECK
so i guess, winning ain't everything. FUN is what that is REALLY IMPORTANT
MAS, thanks for the race today.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
i see dead CICAK
so, yesterday, i just got back and i kept on whiffing this horrid smell. tot it was a dead rat or sth. but i am pretty sure that this place does not bear any (this place only bears flies, pigs, mosquitoes, ants, and CICAKs). i was wondering like mad, where was it coming from. after about 4 hours, i finally found it........

dead and dried in MY DRAWER!!!
does anyone have the number for the industrial cleaners? i need it please.
good news: one less CICAK in this world!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
staying SINGLE?

I wouldn’t recommend you do this. Unless you REALLY want to loose him, then go ahead. APPLY! APPLY! APPLY! These ingenious tricks of the tray.
- Use baby talk as often as possible!
- Start every sentence with I, ME, or MY! (eg: my opinion is the ONLY opinion!)
- Make a BIG (possibly HUGE) deal out of everything…
- …unless…. It is HIS issue!
- Always count calories! (in front of him)
- keep staring at his ‘package’ and then sigh repeatedly as if disappointed!
- ALWAYS put men down!
- make a list of things he has to change about his appearance and behaviour before he can be with you!
- chain-smoke! (so not recommended)
- tell him you love him on your FIRST date!
- send several bouquets of flowers to his workplace the day AFTER your FIRST
date. - tell him about your recurring depressions and the different ways you tried to kill yourself. Make some up if necessary.
- use “I don’t know” as an answer for everything!
- only invite him over if your house is a mess!
- Always leave some hints around to show your true intentions! (eg: wedding mags, baby books, wedding planners’ contact numbers)
- let him know that you live ONLY for him!
- give him a detailed description of the sex dream you had about his best friend!
- never shave! (but you should actually…)
- complain to the waiter about everything, have him take it back, but change your mind when he returns!
- tell him once you TRIED to kill your EX, then start to laugh hysterically!
- Tape over his porn with Touched by an Angel!
- Never laugh at his jokes!
- shout out some other guy’s name in bed! (eg: yes! Yes! Yes! Tom, Brian, Leonard, or whatever your name is!)
- Ask him if he goes to therapy and then, whatever the answer, give him a list of therapists you recommend!
- Make LONG-TERM plans on your FIRST date!
- Order THREE desserts and tell him how nice it is not having to worry about your appearance now that you’ve “found” him.
- Arrange for him to pick you up somewhere and make him wait for at least an hour. Make sure not to apologize.
- be confrontational at any given moment and argue with everything he says.
- flirt openly with the bartender and make sure you get his phone number
- point out his flaws. If he doesn’t have any, make some up.
- flirt with HIS friends.
- NEVER try to pay the bill!
- bring up your EX as often as possible!
- tell him about YOUR extreme credit card debt and how you are just waiting for the “right man” to pay it off!
- give him a detailed description of everything you bought on your shopping spree
- call him several times every day, and then be quiet and wait for him to talk.
- ALWAYS wear more than one layer of makeup!
- Reapply your lipstick at least every ten minutes!
- CHEW with your mouth OPEN!
- Use ‘WE’ as often as possible
- Party all night before your date. Don’t shower or brush your teeth!
- Bring a book of BABY NAMES to your FIRST date and CIRCLE the ones you like with a pink marker!
- start to CRY after your FIRST kiss!
- live for Publicly Displayed Affection!
- take every opportunity to check out YOUR reflection
- Always be ready to FAKE a headache! (you know what I mean)
- always show your disappointment when he cancels
- let him know you are more important than anything or anyone and make him feel guilty if you ever notice otherwise!
- Always get HIGH, fall asleep, and throw up if possible!
- NEVER leave him alone! (stalking is a good step)