Dear Miss Haliza Misbun,
Thank you for your call today. It really opened my eyes to who you really are. In life, I was thought that, to be respected, I should earn it. Therefore I am sure that that applies to everyone else in this world, including you, no less.
Your first words when you called in today, you said, "Hi, I am Haliza Misbun". Why must you mention yourself like that. It is as if you were trying to tell me that you were a huge diva that I should know. I was excited at first, no doubt, but as soon as you started using all that vulgarities against me, demanded an explanation, and then said that "I don't want to hear your f**king excuses", I was by then, flabbergasted.
Most of your words over the phone consisted of the F word. I was beginning to think, hmmm.... maybe your vocabulary is not as vast, therefore you resulted to using vulgarities.
You see Miss Haliza Misbun, I do not know that you have dealt earlier with other people here, I didn't know that you were waiting for people to call you, and of course, I didn't know that you were that rude. But I kept my calm and said that I would try my level best to solve this matter for you since you sounded rather impatient.
Yes, Miss Haliza Misbun, I am not as famous as you, not as experienced as you, but what I am is Miss Haliza Misbun, I am so much better than you. Not once in our conversation did I raise my voice or became sarcastic towards you because my mother has thought me better than that.
Yes, you are the customer and customer is always right. But it does not give you the rights to disrespect another human being.
Miss Haliza Misbun, please do not think that you are better than me because though I am temporarily there to pass time, I hold a better certification than you, I have a more respectable life than you, and best of all, I know not to be rude to anyone who does not deserve it.
With this, I shall reuse your parting notes to me today: "You have a good day."
Please, I, too am Malay. Do not let others think that we are rude. Because we aren't. We have adat.