i was jogging in the pitch dark of the morning when..."trett.... trett" signalling an incoming SMS. quickly, i opened it (while still running) and read the msg. at that point i was jogging somewhere near petronas in ttdi. i usually jog faster there because i don't like people looking at me while i jog.
as i was reading the SMS, a smile slowly formed from ear to ear (owh, talking about ear, my piercing on my tragus came off because my tragus is too short. nevermind, maybe i'll try it again today ;) ).
imagine this: while you are running, and trying your level best to read, it is kinda hopeless as the text seems to swerve up and down, left and right. but somehow i managed. or so, i thought.....
the text was saying something abt getting up early and the shortform that was used made me think that it was a nick name made for me as i am an ardent fan of owls. ok i know it is confusing, but bear with me. so, while still jogging, i texted back and said that that nick was cute. and i left it at that and continued my jog.
but somehow, in my mind, i know that something is not right. so, as soon as i finished jogging, i reread the SMS. OMG!!! i am so effing mistaken by the word!!
now, where la to hide my face?? huhuhhu.....
....crap..... malu gila....
apa mesejnya?
gud command of english!!
maiti: mana leh kasi tau... hahahah
padelkopak: thanks!
then whats the purpose of rising up the curiosity?
dude, it wasn't my purpose to rise any curiosity. i was just narrating the embarassing moment that had occured this morn.
why? are you curious?
hell...djambu pun curious gak ni...(?_?)'
owh wahai djambu puodovich (nama penuh la pulak), anda sangat kaypo haaa....:P
nah. i just didn't get it where was the embarrassing moment.
and what was the word, again? that you misread?
ooo maiti, pancing baeekkk punya.
i didn't mention any specific word pon.
pandai arr... :P
pancing!! jgn x pancingggg!!1 :D
ha ha ha
no no no babeh!!! (tgh nyanyi ni)
no pancingan can make me blurt it out :P
sigh. im outta here.
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