yes, aku menangis tadi masa aku bangun dari tido.
because i had a dream, i dreamt of my sisters. that they were going away, again. aku rasa sebab aku rindu kat derang. no, aku memang rindu kat derang.
ok, maafkan aku, aku tengah emo neh.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
the [haunted] house
aku tak pernah perasan rumah ni, let me repeat, TAK PERNAH. until the other day when entah macam mana, i noticed this house, not so hidden, but still not so revealed as well. i was on the penchala link, home bound from curve. aku memang suka ikut jalan tu instead of the road infront of OU. i was just on that road and i decided to look to the left, just suddenly, just like that. and there it was, the tattered house. it is so huge and there are no signs of do not trespass or anything.
the house has no gate or fence to surround it. it is just there. today, as i was driving along that road again, i decided to stop. just to take some pictures. and also because i had company. as soon as i came near the front door, my hair was standing on ends and i felt a sudden surge of fear. unexplainable.
aku tak tahu kenapa aku tetiba perasan rumah ni. i tot i was hallucinating or something. but my company also saw the house, which means the house is real. and with these pictures, it is more than real, it is scary. it is as if the house appeared to me all of a sudden for a reason. i don't know, why don't you tell me what is your opinion.
saper nak buat investigation entiti bukti? jom?
saper ada nite vision/infra red camera, nak pinjam please....
restoran 1 2 3, bukan lagu 1 2 3 4 dari plain white Ts ok.
malam semalam aku ada dinner date bersama aunties yang uber cool ok. iye la, i was supposed to pass some presents to them from mama but because we are always very bz, we finally decided to meet semalam kat restoran 1 2 3, kat kampung sungai penchala.
the restaurant is owned by aunty sai's friend. so, the drinks that we had were on the house. saje je aku tak makan lunch so that i will have some space for the dinner and it was worth the wait :). aunty rozie yang belanja. thanks aunty rozie... :)
the food that were served were thai seafood. and of course i had to order the tomyam. a bit on the salty side but sangat best sebab dia tak guna perencah but instead it was own-made. the dinner started off with aunty mariam's bag of maggis which she got from her friend.
so yeah, aku tak pernah jejak ke kampung sungai penchala neh. thanks to them for bringing me to the other side. RASTA, eat your heart out la. harap mahal je lebih... huhhu....
p/s: Yah, i tau ni takde kena mengena ngan entry ni, but i want to confirm your curiousity, YES, HUNNY MADU stays here at our condo. i saw her tadi. nasib baik control, nak je i turun minta otograp untuk you huhuhuh.....
can i order 3 of this?
memang betul apa kata pott: "lepas kau tengok dia, kau memang takkan boleh lupakan dia"
macam mana nak lupakan, sangat precious ok. so world, i have finally met my nephew, baby Ray. omg, i can't seem to get eneough of him. sangat comel and sangat manja. if babies can be ordered, i would definitely be ordering already!!! heheheh kan jenna, kan?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
serious rugi arr ronggeng tak ikut hari neh
lepas dah puas nature walk and mencopet buah2 kat alang sedayu, we made our way home. aku pulak membuat panggilan sebab sepatutnya ada "the meet" dengan orang itu dan family kakaknya. ntah macam mana, we made it on time to meet them. and i brought with me my plus 2, sebagai para juri. the meeting place was the newly launched kueyteow doli restaurant in brunsfiled ttdi.
omg, jen, roz, dan aku sememangnya tak dress up for the occasion ok. bau masing2 pun ada samar2 bau orang asli (eh, macam la aku pernah bau orang asli kan?). dengan baju penuh pasir, aku ngan aku nyer "wet patch" kat seluar sebab pakai swimming suit yang basah, selamba je pergi launching resto tu. arrrggghhhh lantak. kata kita selamba kan.
sampai2, we were seated at the table where they were already seated. there were so many people. order macam tak ingat, and the food kept on coming. aku tak makan sangat because i was too bz playing with the new bPod face, khalis. sangat comel kan. nasib arr dia nak kat orang.
anyway, kalau korang nak makan kat resto ni, dia nyer specality mmg la kueyteow kan. but also, do try the mee rebus or nasi ayam. dengar kata mmg sangat sedap.
we didn't see the menu, so tak tahu apa lagi boleh order.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
minggu ni aja dah 3 nature outings aku pergi. tere tak? tere tak?
pada geng ronggeng, serious sayang arr korang tak pergi. sangat best ok.
tempat ni terletak kat gombak. nak cari dia agak payah but thanks to fb eco warrior group, we got the chance to go there. omg, the place is beautiful and the terrain sangat best. i wish my family likes these kind of outings, mesti aku akan bawa derang ke sana.
thanks to roz and jenna for coming along. you guys rawk!! len kali kita gi lagi k???
found under:
i like,
this is what i call FUN,
Friday, July 24, 2009
bila mandi, sila buka mata
masa mandi, walau pedih macam mana pun syampu rambut korang, sila buka mata. tak pun cuci dulu sampai bersih sebelum meneruskan activiti lain ketika mandi.
kalau tak... nahas la jadinya.
apa jadah basuh muka dengan ubat gigi???
gila ke apa.
kalau tak... nahas la jadinya.
apa jadah basuh muka dengan ubat gigi???
gila ke apa.
a walk in a park is not actually a walk in a park, more like a gruelling session of calorie burning in a park (for some people that is).
omg, aku sangat suka nature ok. aku ni simple aja. takyah nak susah2. asal kau bawa aku pergi jalan2 kat nature, aku dah happy macam budak dapat makan aiskrim bantal.
so, hari selasa aku pergi sungai gabai. pernah dengar tak? tak pernah kan?? kan?? sila salahkan diri sendiri sebab tak buat research ok. tempat itu mmg AWESOME ok. walau la we all sesat sampai dua kali, the trip was worth it. kalau malas nak workout sket untuk panjat bukit gabai tu, sila tak payah pergi. tempat tu mmg kena panjat bukit punya. baru la adventure kan. but bila dah sampai atas, owhh... sangat puas hati. so, we all lepak kat satu spot ni, kira ok la juga. nasib tak ramai orang, ada la geng ahbengs kat sana kan. mana tau, tetiba ahbengs tu frenly la pulak. siap cabar lagi untuk turun slide kat batu tu. aku mula2 takut la kan. mana tak, batu dowh! silap tarikh, boleh pecah kepala. but one ahbeng told me: "don't think, just go". uuuuu.... sangat wise ok. aku pun kosongkan otak aku (yang mmg agak empty sebenarnya), and swwwooooshhhh..... slide turun. bengkak pungkok juga arr... adoiyayy...
hari selasa pulak, patutnya pergi bukit cahaya. tapi sebab aku dah pergi ngan yah early this year, aku decided nak pergi FRIM cause mmg teringin sangat nak pergi canopy walk dia sebenarnya and also go around the park. after much round2 the mulberry bush, baru la kami jumpa parking and started our journey. nasib ada orang tu baca papan tanda, aku main redah aja. sebab dia baca papan tanda punya pasal, we all turun balik and beli tickets untuk naik canopy walk tu. ingatkan from the start of the hill to the entrance to the hike up tu tak jauh, sekali, amik ko! ada barang 30mins juga la nak masuk ke entrance tu. bila dah sampai at the foot of the hill, kena daki lagi 50m up to get to the walkway. aku yang tak biasa semput ni, dah menitik2 dah peluh. bawa bag sarat lagi ngan barang picnic. tapi takpe cause once we got ourselves on the walkway, penat semua dah hilang. sangat breathtaking ok.
kalau ada yang gayat, sila jangan naik arr.
aku macam biasa arr nak main2 kat walkway tu kan, lompat2 and sway the walkway. kui kui kui ada orang takut tu... ntah apa apa ntah. bila sampai kat each platform, ada info that we can read about what we are looking at. sebelum naik walkway tu, ada papantanda yang soh senyap kan, so that we can see wildlife kat sana. but geng yang after us tu, adoiyayy, memekak macam orang pekak. bukan kata binatang, orang pun boleh lari la dengar suara derang.
cuma yang slack pasal canopy walk neh, pendek naa jarak dia... tak puas arr.
-last trip kat walkway tu adalah pukul 1330hrs. kalau lambat, sila takyah panjat bukit tu pun.
harga tiket: rm5 untuk dewasa
rm3 untuk student (tapi ada orang lupa la pulak kami students... ish)
rm1 untuk kanak2
-lokasi starting point to canopy walk: cari masjid FRIM. haaa... kat belakang masjid tu la
-kalau semput, sila batalkan niat nak naik. mmg gerenti tak larat nyer.
tapi, kalau nak pergi, ajak la aku ekk :P
found under:
i like,
this is what i call FUN,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
kata wakil sekolah. wakil sekolah memandu ke apa?
aku tak tahu lak kat curve ada bowling alley sampai la ada orang tu kasi tau kat aku. so, sebab dia nak tunjuk yang dia tere, kami pun pergi la membowling kat PinJunction at E @ the curve.
boleh tahan gak alley tu. it is fairly new. i have no idea when it was opened. gila arr... this is evident enough that aku dah lama tak kuar jalan2 kat KL neh. anyway, i like the place as compared to the alley in OU. PinJunction ni mmg besar and still shiny. pastu, dia nyer kasut, jenis yang velcro punya, so takyah la nak payah2 nak ikat tali kasut kan.
pastu yang best tu, masa weekdays punya promotion. kalau siang nyer price, rm10 untuk 3 game. kalau nite nyer game, rm18 for 3 games, kira ok la tu kan. kasut tu, rm2 per pair. stokin, tu aku tak tahu la berapa harga kan. we brought our own.
anyway, dalam 3 game tu, aku leading 2 game. errr.... apa kes orang wakil sekolah? huhuhh... .jangan marah arr... :P
hari ni pulak hujan lebat. lepas game, perut lak bunyi macam keroncong yang main masa nikah si polan hari tu. so, apa lagi, menapak cari rezeki arr....aku punya craving, My News Cafe.

terus2 aku order cantonese mee. mmg this is my utmost FAVORITE dish ok. yang paling best lak tu, it was under promotion juga. from rm8.90 per plate, the promo price was rm5.50 per plate. owh.... sangat la berbaloi. happy giler aku dapat makan cantonese mee tu. tapi macam biasa arr... mana habis. banyak dowh!

lagi satu kenapa aku suka My News Cafe, mana2 branch korang pergi pon, rasa dish dia tak lari, sama je. and more over, boleh baca mags while waiting. so, boleh arr divert attention dari perut keroncong tu tadi kan.
boleh tahan gak alley tu. it is fairly new. i have no idea when it was opened. gila arr... this is evident enough that aku dah lama tak kuar jalan2 kat KL neh. anyway, i like the place as compared to the alley in OU. PinJunction ni mmg besar and still shiny. pastu, dia nyer kasut, jenis yang velcro punya, so takyah la nak payah2 nak ikat tali kasut kan.
pastu yang best tu, masa weekdays punya promotion. kalau siang nyer price, rm10 untuk 3 game. kalau nite nyer game, rm18 for 3 games, kira ok la tu kan. kasut tu, rm2 per pair. stokin, tu aku tak tahu la berapa harga kan. we brought our own.
anyway, dalam 3 game tu, aku leading 2 game. errr.... apa kes orang wakil sekolah? huhuhh... .jangan marah arr... :P
hari ni pulak hujan lebat. lepas game, perut lak bunyi macam keroncong yang main masa nikah si polan hari tu. so, apa lagi, menapak cari rezeki arr....aku punya craving, My News Cafe.

terus2 aku order cantonese mee. mmg this is my utmost FAVORITE dish ok. yang paling best lak tu, it was under promotion juga. from rm8.90 per plate, the promo price was rm5.50 per plate. owh.... sangat la berbaloi. happy giler aku dapat makan cantonese mee tu. tapi macam biasa arr... mana habis. banyak dowh!

lagi satu kenapa aku suka My News Cafe, mana2 branch korang pergi pon, rasa dish dia tak lari, sama je. and more over, boleh baca mags while waiting. so, boleh arr divert attention dari perut keroncong tu tadi kan.
found under:
i like,
the F word,
this is what i call FUN
benda-benda yang boleh buat aku tersenyum
pada yang tak tahu, REd adalah seorang yang sangat simple. walaubagaimanapun, there are some things in her life that she can be particularly anal about. kalau nak list benda yang aku particular, baik takyah. sebab remeh sangat la. tapi pada aku, i take it as such a big deal.
anyway, tu bukan sebab entry ni ditulis ok.
entry ni ditulis sebab aku nak cakap kat korang semua, birthday aku dah nak sampai dah kan. sila jangan buat2 tak tahu. dan berikut adalah contoh2 benda simple yang boleh buat aku tersenyum....

kenal tak saper ni? kalau tak kenal, sila berdiri dalam posisi terjun tiruk dan bersedia untuk terjun tingkap dari tingkat 3 ye. ini adalah hedwig.

kalau tak tahu juga saper tu hedwig, sila pergi beli tali rafia untuk gantung diri dari pokok taugeh. hedwig adalah pet owl harry potter. dan iye, ini adalah harry potter merchandise. sila jangan jeles :P

dan ini, aku punya energy booster. sugarfree lagi, i LIKE!!! tapi sayang, ada 3 tin je. serious kena catu.... huhuh
saper yang kasi ni semua?
tanya arr tuan tanah tu. huhuhuhuh
bai the roti, thanks alot!!! :)
anyway, tu bukan sebab entry ni ditulis ok.
entry ni ditulis sebab aku nak cakap kat korang semua, birthday aku dah nak sampai dah kan. sila jangan buat2 tak tahu. dan berikut adalah contoh2 benda simple yang boleh buat aku tersenyum....

kenal tak saper ni? kalau tak kenal, sila berdiri dalam posisi terjun tiruk dan bersedia untuk terjun tingkap dari tingkat 3 ye. ini adalah hedwig.

kalau tak tahu juga saper tu hedwig, sila pergi beli tali rafia untuk gantung diri dari pokok taugeh. hedwig adalah pet owl harry potter. dan iye, ini adalah harry potter merchandise. sila jangan jeles :P

dan ini, aku punya energy booster. sugarfree lagi, i LIKE!!! tapi sayang, ada 3 tin je. serious kena catu.... huhuh
saper yang kasi ni semua?
tanya arr tuan tanah tu. huhuhuhuh
bai the roti, thanks alot!!! :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
aku ada kekurangan dan aku tak malu untuk mengaku
lepas aku dah sedikit well-versed dalam anatomy pasal tulang ni, baru aku perasan.
i am born with a congenital deficiency.

i have lax transverse plantar ligaments of both my feet.

hence why i have big feet.
even my toes are not normal looking.
tapi takpe, aku bersyukur. at least aku ada kaki untuk berjalan kan. cuma....
susah sangat nak cari ladies' shoes for myself.... huhuhuhu.....
i am born with a congenital deficiency.

i have lax transverse plantar ligaments of both my feet.

hence why i have big feet.
even my toes are not normal looking.
tapi takpe, aku bersyukur. at least aku ada kaki untuk berjalan kan. cuma....
susah sangat nak cari ladies' shoes for myself.... huhuhuhu.....
Saturday, July 18, 2009
ditangkap basah ketika dalam keadaan bermacam-macam posisi di dalam kereta aku

pagi tadi ketika aku sedang basuh kereta sebab dah 2 minggu tak basuh, dah ada rupa ala-ala belacan yang di jemur enam tahun, aku tetiba bertukar profession dari seorang practical medical student ke mata-mata jabatan agama islam negeri kedah. gila jauh beza field of profession tu. apa jadah?

dengan hasil mata aku yang tak pakai cermin mata ketika itu tetapi masih boleh nampak dalam jarak yang agak dekat walaupun aku mempunya astigmatism yang memungkin aku nampak double, aku terlihat sesuatu sedang asyik beraksi tengah dalam level nak sampai klimaks.

walaupun aku dah tangkap pada posisi pertama, pasangan ini tetap berani untuk memuaskan nafsu berahi.
haishh.... macam binatang betul....
macam mana nak settle ni? nak bawa ke mahkamah syariah, tak sempat nak serkup dah terbang....
Friday, July 17, 2009
plans are just..... plans...
1. How old are you?
- tangent 0.8765
2. Are you single?
- yes, yes, yes!
3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
- i don't plan for that. when it happens, it happens.
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
- if that means i will be marrying noONE, then maybe yeah.
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
- i want to marry someone who needs me because he loves me, but not someone who loves me because he needs me.
6. Who will be your bridesmaid or your best man?
- amal and amira
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
- a traditional garden wedding.
8. Where do you plan to go for honeymoon?
- langkawi's many islands.
9. How many guest do you think you’ll invite?
- 100 maybe. so, you'd better be on my good list.
10. Will that include your exes?
- if they are on my good list
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
- i don't want cake on my wedding. i want pulut kuning. i want a traditional wedding remember?
12. When do you want to get married? Morning or evening?
- in the morning because i want to start the day by seeing the face of my love ;)
13. Name the song/tune you would like to play at your wedding?
- sempurna -andra and the back bone
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon/fork/ knife?
- all lauk kampung
15.Champagne or red wine?
- plain water and teh 'o' because those are things that remind me of Atok.
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
- the very next day.
17. Money or household items?
- for those 100 guests and their pluses, i'll be writing a list of items that i need for the new life (household). but if you can't, money would be fine with me.
18. How many kids would you like to have?
- 3 maybe
19. Will your record your honeymoon in DVD and CD?
- yes, infact, i'll BLOG it
20. I want to know their wedding plans:
- ain, el, hasni, djambu, chedem, arul, saras
- tangent 0.8765
2. Are you single?
- yes, yes, yes!
3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
- i don't plan for that. when it happens, it happens.
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
- if that means i will be marrying noONE, then maybe yeah.
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
- i want to marry someone who needs me because he loves me, but not someone who loves me because he needs me.
6. Who will be your bridesmaid or your best man?
- amal and amira
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
- a traditional garden wedding.
8. Where do you plan to go for honeymoon?
- langkawi's many islands.
9. How many guest do you think you’ll invite?
- 100 maybe. so, you'd better be on my good list.
10. Will that include your exes?
- if they are on my good list
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
- i don't want cake on my wedding. i want pulut kuning. i want a traditional wedding remember?
12. When do you want to get married? Morning or evening?
- in the morning because i want to start the day by seeing the face of my love ;)
13. Name the song/tune you would like to play at your wedding?
- sempurna -andra and the back bone
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon/fork/ knife?
- all lauk kampung
15.Champagne or red wine?
- plain water and teh 'o' because those are things that remind me of Atok.
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
- the very next day.
17. Money or household items?
- for those 100 guests and their pluses, i'll be writing a list of items that i need for the new life (household). but if you can't, money would be fine with me.
18. How many kids would you like to have?
- 3 maybe
19. Will your record your honeymoon in DVD and CD?
- yes, infact, i'll BLOG it
20. I want to know their wedding plans:
- ain, el, hasni, djambu, chedem, arul, saras
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
aku rasa takut sangat sampai aku tak boleh nak buat apa-apa, hanya mampu untuk buat-buat tak nampak dah buat-buat tidur.
aku terjaga awal pagi tadi, dalam pukul 0430hours rasanya. macam biasa, aku melepak, menginternet, dan sewaktu dengannya. bila aku mula buka nota untuk dibaca, mata aku terus rasa macam ada batu belah batu bertangkup di atasnya. rasa berat ke arah nak tido balik. by then, it was already 0550hours.
aku tutup lampu bilik aku. aku punya bilik, master bedroom, maknanya, bilik yang paling depan sekali. lampu porch aku on, terang benderang. aku punya langsir pulak, jenis yang dan dan je tutup tingkap aku, so, masa aku baring nak tido balik tu, aku leh nampak la kat luar tingkap.
sebelum aku nak tido balik tu, dalam gelap bilik aku, aku check fon aku. korang tau la kan, bila activate fon, cahaya dia kan ke terang. so, leh nampak la reflex cahaya tu kat muka kan. sambil2 aku check fon tu, aku tengok la luar tingkap, saje je. sekali aku ternampak sesuatu yang pelik. betul2 kat hujung tingkap. aku ingat sidaian baju housemate aku ke apa. but aku tengok lagi sekali because aku ingat, derang dah bawa balik masuk baju derang.
i was trying to figure out apa yang aku nampak tu. aku perhati bebetul. alangkah terkejutnya aku bila aku nampak, it is actually kepala orang. dia tengah menyorok kat kawasan hujung tingkap tu. sebab masa tu aku baru tutup lampu kan, aku tak tahu dah berapa lama dia ada kat situ, menghendap aku. masa aku nampak kepala dia, dia tgh tunduk, kononnya tak nak aku nampak. but i was so scared, i didn't know what to do. nak jerit takut, nak acknowledge dia pun takut. takut kalau dia buat lagi teruk. aku continue check fon aku, just to let him noe that i am awake because dia boleh nampak cahaya fon aku. then, aku pura-pura tido. hati aku tak tenang. tak sampai seminit aku baring, terus aku bangun balik, aku buka lampu and keluar dari bilik.
i was so scared, and still am.
aku nak sound alarm. aku intai dia, tengok dia masih ada kat luar ke tak. but i cannot see him. mungkin dia menyorok bawah kereta aku, or mungkin dia dah blah. either one, he is still around kawasan rumah ni.
aku tak tahu kenapa yang dia suka sangat target rumah ni. walaupun lampu terang macam tu, dia boleh lagi panjat masuk kawasan dalam pagar and menghendap bilik aku.
help me. i am so scared. i finally saw the sex psycho.
aku tutup lampu bilik aku. aku punya bilik, master bedroom, maknanya, bilik yang paling depan sekali. lampu porch aku on, terang benderang. aku punya langsir pulak, jenis yang dan dan je tutup tingkap aku, so, masa aku baring nak tido balik tu, aku leh nampak la kat luar tingkap.
sebelum aku nak tido balik tu, dalam gelap bilik aku, aku check fon aku. korang tau la kan, bila activate fon, cahaya dia kan ke terang. so, leh nampak la reflex cahaya tu kat muka kan. sambil2 aku check fon tu, aku tengok la luar tingkap, saje je. sekali aku ternampak sesuatu yang pelik. betul2 kat hujung tingkap. aku ingat sidaian baju housemate aku ke apa. but aku tengok lagi sekali because aku ingat, derang dah bawa balik masuk baju derang.
i was trying to figure out apa yang aku nampak tu. aku perhati bebetul. alangkah terkejutnya aku bila aku nampak, it is actually kepala orang. dia tengah menyorok kat kawasan hujung tingkap tu. sebab masa tu aku baru tutup lampu kan, aku tak tahu dah berapa lama dia ada kat situ, menghendap aku. masa aku nampak kepala dia, dia tgh tunduk, kononnya tak nak aku nampak. but i was so scared, i didn't know what to do. nak jerit takut, nak acknowledge dia pun takut. takut kalau dia buat lagi teruk. aku continue check fon aku, just to let him noe that i am awake because dia boleh nampak cahaya fon aku. then, aku pura-pura tido. hati aku tak tenang. tak sampai seminit aku baring, terus aku bangun balik, aku buka lampu and keluar dari bilik.
i was so scared, and still am.
aku nak sound alarm. aku intai dia, tengok dia masih ada kat luar ke tak. but i cannot see him. mungkin dia menyorok bawah kereta aku, or mungkin dia dah blah. either one, he is still around kawasan rumah ni.
aku tak tahu kenapa yang dia suka sangat target rumah ni. walaupun lampu terang macam tu, dia boleh lagi panjat masuk kawasan dalam pagar and menghendap bilik aku.
help me. i am so scared. i finally saw the sex psycho.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
pukul tiga pagi
pukul 3 pagi, P.ramlee dodoikan bini dia untuk tido (adoiyayy... saper la nak dodoikan aku neh??)
pukul 3 pagi, tekak terasa nak makan sotong.
apa jadah?
Monday, July 13, 2009
owh sangat bestest!!
hari start continuous assessment. pagi2 lagi mammy aku dah sent me an SMS. sangat sweet. aku pun dengan senyum terlebih lebar, baca bismillah, mula la menapak ke campus. exam pukul 2. pukul 9pagi aku dah ada kat library. apa jadah?? buang tebiat mungkin.
kat library, aku start baca kat mana aku berhenti semalam. aku tak macam orang lain, suka baca class notes and notes from other people. aku jenis yang terus baca text book. yeah, aku lebih rela spend time baca text book dari baca notes, especially untuk paper2 yang tough macam orhto. the last i did that was masa paeds. aku baca lissauer punya text book tu, berapa kali khatam. Alhamdulillah, aku leh jawap masa finals.
aku tengok kawan2 aku mula baca untuk ortho exam ni dari beberapa hari lepas lagi. aku ada juga rasa tergugat, or maybe rasa bersalah sebab aku blom mula baca lagi. but i parked myself at the table and started. tapi on the day of exam (hari ni) aku blom khatam lagi text book tu, walaupun satu round. aku mula panic at the disco.
aku skip a few topics. aku bajet 2009, dia takkan keluar la. pastu, bila aku dah habis baca, aku buat run thru, seround lagi. last2, tinggal lagi 1 jam, aku dah bosan. aku tak nak baca lagi. lagi aku baca, kang, lagi aku lupa dibuatnya. aku kemas barang aku, aku keluar. pergi computer lab. aku facebooking la pulak. tgk2, nana ada kasi aku good luck note on my wall. awwww.... sangat sweet. lagi la semangat aku terbakar.
lunch pun tak sampai hati. aku minum excel je.
bila dah start exam, aku ada petua. kalau i doubt my answer more than twice, baik aku bantai je jawap. tapi kalau aku yakin, jgn tukar jawapan. and kalau aku rasa tak sedap hati, tukar sekali je. lepas dah answer first part, aku cepat2 angkat tangan, minta second part. soalan essay. dari 8 soalan, kena jawap 6. aku bukan jenis yang baca semua soalan and pilih. aku jenis yang baca satu, jawap. kalau takleh, try yang lain. kala tak cukup, pergi balik kat mana yang aku tak jawap tu, and try.
sekali tgk, satu soalan tu, datang dari topic yang aku bebetul skip. kunfayakun....
nasib la tujuh lagi soalan aku boleh nak attempt. tapi kena jawap enam je kan? so, aku pun lengkapkan la quota aku.
aku rasa macam ok la paper ni. the toughest paper among the 4 postings that we had. aku rasa lega la juga. tapi aku tgk, banyak muka2 yang macam kena bakar je ni lepas exam tu. kesian la pulak. padahal, budak2 ni, bila aku tgk derang belajar, sama macam derang bernafas, sangat tekun. aku pun boleh cuak la tgk derang menelaah.
ntah arr... aku harap aku jawap betul, tu je :P
kat library, aku start baca kat mana aku berhenti semalam. aku tak macam orang lain, suka baca class notes and notes from other people. aku jenis yang terus baca text book. yeah, aku lebih rela spend time baca text book dari baca notes, especially untuk paper2 yang tough macam orhto. the last i did that was masa paeds. aku baca lissauer punya text book tu, berapa kali khatam. Alhamdulillah, aku leh jawap masa finals.
aku tengok kawan2 aku mula baca untuk ortho exam ni dari beberapa hari lepas lagi. aku ada juga rasa tergugat, or maybe rasa bersalah sebab aku blom mula baca lagi. but i parked myself at the table and started. tapi on the day of exam (hari ni) aku blom khatam lagi text book tu, walaupun satu round. aku mula panic at the disco.
aku skip a few topics. aku bajet 2009, dia takkan keluar la. pastu, bila aku dah habis baca, aku buat run thru, seround lagi. last2, tinggal lagi 1 jam, aku dah bosan. aku tak nak baca lagi. lagi aku baca, kang, lagi aku lupa dibuatnya. aku kemas barang aku, aku keluar. pergi computer lab. aku facebooking la pulak. tgk2, nana ada kasi aku good luck note on my wall. awwww.... sangat sweet. lagi la semangat aku terbakar.
lunch pun tak sampai hati. aku minum excel je.
bila dah start exam, aku ada petua. kalau i doubt my answer more than twice, baik aku bantai je jawap. tapi kalau aku yakin, jgn tukar jawapan. and kalau aku rasa tak sedap hati, tukar sekali je. lepas dah answer first part, aku cepat2 angkat tangan, minta second part. soalan essay. dari 8 soalan, kena jawap 6. aku bukan jenis yang baca semua soalan and pilih. aku jenis yang baca satu, jawap. kalau takleh, try yang lain. kala tak cukup, pergi balik kat mana yang aku tak jawap tu, and try.
sekali tgk, satu soalan tu, datang dari topic yang aku bebetul skip. kunfayakun....
nasib la tujuh lagi soalan aku boleh nak attempt. tapi kena jawap enam je kan? so, aku pun lengkapkan la quota aku.
aku rasa macam ok la paper ni. the toughest paper among the 4 postings that we had. aku rasa lega la juga. tapi aku tgk, banyak muka2 yang macam kena bakar je ni lepas exam tu. kesian la pulak. padahal, budak2 ni, bila aku tgk derang belajar, sama macam derang bernafas, sangat tekun. aku pun boleh cuak la tgk derang menelaah.
ntah arr... aku harap aku jawap betul, tu je :P
Saturday, July 11, 2009
lagi satu sebab kenapa aku sayang dia neh

"alia, take my pictures during the process"
**snap snap snap [sambil kacau dia]
"alia, i am not wearing the same pair of socks"
"omg, raj, kau mmg tak senon"
**snap snap snap
"hey, not my fault ok. it's laundry day. these are the only ones around, and they even have holes" *smirk
[aku tak perasan pun ada lubang kat stokin dia]
**snap snap snap
"alia, you are drawing more attention to it"
"sexy, you like attention right?"
[dia senyum dari telinga kanan ke telinga kiri]
seriously, only he can pull this kind of things off.
lying VS lying
this banner really caught my attention. this was taken somewhere in Bandar Laguna Merbok (BLM).

do you think the SPA will generate business with THAT "Lying Sauna" on the banner??
errrr.... would you even go there?

do you think the SPA will generate business with THAT "Lying Sauna" on the banner??
errrr.... would you even go there?
Friday, July 10, 2009
ada sesiapa yang nak bercinta dengan REd?
They are born between 22nd May - 21st June
You're not prone to falling head over heels in love. However, you do find yourself falling in love, but slowly. Beforehand, you like to put your devoted admirer to the test. You need intellectual exchanges. To seduce you, this person best not be your average Joe and they will know how to get off the beaten track. And most importantly, they won't smother you. Very independent you are and you need your freedom to be happy. Before committing yourself, you reflect for a long time, which generally allows you to make the right decision. It's not easy to tie you down... But it's a different matter with this kind of person. You will find their intelligence and bubbly character attractive. You can speak about anything with them and are enriched by your contact with them. They respect your independent spirit because they are also obsessed with liberty. You don't feel like they enclose you in a cage. Quite the opposite, they help you to escape from routine. And in bed, all's good! You're both very imaginative and have a lot of fun together.
You're not prone to falling head over heels in love. However, you do find yourself falling in love, but slowly. Beforehand, you like to put your devoted admirer to the test. You need intellectual exchanges. To seduce you, this person best not be your average Joe and they will know how to get off the beaten track. And most importantly, they won't smother you. Very independent you are and you need your freedom to be happy. Before committing yourself, you reflect for a long time, which generally allows you to make the right decision. It's not easy to tie you down... But it's a different matter with this kind of person. You will find their intelligence and bubbly character attractive. You can speak about anything with them and are enriched by your contact with them. They respect your independent spirit because they are also obsessed with liberty. You don't feel like they enclose you in a cage. Quite the opposite, they help you to escape from routine. And in bed, all's good! You're both very imaginative and have a lot of fun together.
finally: on the world wide web, aku nak mengaku, BETUL apa kata mammy aku: "there is no such thing as BFF"
no offense to my ronggeng geng: you guys are always with me. BFF or not, we are tight and that is what matters.
memang iye, these days, aku tak berani nak guna perkataan "forever" because it feels to vague and although i can be 180% sure, can the other person be as sure as i am? talking about loyalty, some people just don't really comply to it. especially orang yang cepat lupa daratan atau, seperti kacang mengelembu yang lupakan kulit, eh?
tapi dengan geng ronggeng aku (kings, els, ain, roz), we understand each other. takyah nak cakap pun, we know when we are busy, when we need some time alone, when we need to go crazy, when we need to be there for each other. memang takyah nak cakap because actions speak louder than words kan? ok, masing2 ada kerja and life masing2, but we don't ever forget about each other. that is the coolest part. sekarang ni kita nak recruit yang baru since ada satu yang dah lama lupakan kita kan?? so jenna, you ready to be the RONGGENGS? heheheh hey, this is an honour k.. :P
tokking abt bff, mammy aku nasihatkan aku after some events that had occured. mammy pernah lalui a terrible part in her life where her bff (or so we all thought) left her out in the cold. of course there were heartbreaks, but mammy came to be stronger and more guarded and vigilant on chosing her companions now. which is good cause kadang2 aku tgk some of the people yang nak kenal ngan mammy pun sebab they want to leech things out from her.
anyway, i thought i had a bff. but aku dah sedar la. i was just being delusional. aku salah sangka rupanya. tapi takpelah. aku tak menyesal pun kenal insan itu. dan aku mmg treasure segala apa yang kita pernah lalui bersama. sekarang aku macam dah takde perasaan nak kisah kan insan itu. walaupun kadang2 aku duduk terdiam, is it worth it to let go just like that without even putting my thoughts out in the open? ntah arr....
is there such thing as forever?
memang iye, these days, aku tak berani nak guna perkataan "forever" because it feels to vague and although i can be 180% sure, can the other person be as sure as i am? talking about loyalty, some people just don't really comply to it. especially orang yang cepat lupa daratan atau, seperti kacang mengelembu yang lupakan kulit, eh?
tapi dengan geng ronggeng aku (kings, els, ain, roz), we understand each other. takyah nak cakap pun, we know when we are busy, when we need some time alone, when we need to go crazy, when we need to be there for each other. memang takyah nak cakap because actions speak louder than words kan? ok, masing2 ada kerja and life masing2, but we don't ever forget about each other. that is the coolest part. sekarang ni kita nak recruit yang baru since ada satu yang dah lama lupakan kita kan?? so jenna, you ready to be the RONGGENGS? heheheh hey, this is an honour k.. :P
tokking abt bff, mammy aku nasihatkan aku after some events that had occured. mammy pernah lalui a terrible part in her life where her bff (or so we all thought) left her out in the cold. of course there were heartbreaks, but mammy came to be stronger and more guarded and vigilant on chosing her companions now. which is good cause kadang2 aku tgk some of the people yang nak kenal ngan mammy pun sebab they want to leech things out from her.
anyway, i thought i had a bff. but aku dah sedar la. i was just being delusional. aku salah sangka rupanya. tapi takpelah. aku tak menyesal pun kenal insan itu. dan aku mmg treasure segala apa yang kita pernah lalui bersama. sekarang aku macam dah takde perasaan nak kisah kan insan itu. walaupun kadang2 aku duduk terdiam, is it worth it to let go just like that without even putting my thoughts out in the open? ntah arr....
is there such thing as forever?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
aku bukan nyanyuk. cuma ada banyak sangat benda yang aku nak kena fikirkan. tapi bukan aku fikirkan pun.
ini berlaku pada 8/7/09.
aku balik dari hospital dan secara rutin, aku akan berehat di rumah. sambil2 aku rehat tu, aku akan plan my time so that i won't miss benda2 wajib yang perlu dilakukan, seperti, tido dan solat (yang part solat tu... heheheh... ada la juga terlepas :P). sekarang ni musim TERPAKSA study sebab next week dah nak start continuos assessment. sangat macam haram. tetiba, tengah2 aku plan masa tu, aku fikir balik: masa solat macam mana?
adoiyayy.... sangat ntah apa apa ntah
petang tu, aku pergi gym. saje je nak buang lemak2 tepu yang dah jadi bahan menyakitkan jiwa neh. selalu nyer, kalau petang aku pergi workout, aku mmg time myself supaya aku akan balik, sempat nak make some dinner, sempat nak shower, nak maghrib (solat??), nak online, nak study (konon nya la)....
lagi2 aku nak letak slot untuk solat neh?? apa hal?!?!?
nota kaki meja: cycle aku dah complete. pada pagi lapan haribulan julai dua ribu sembilan, aku tak sah nak melakukan ibadah. datang bulan daa.....
aku balik dari hospital dan secara rutin, aku akan berehat di rumah. sambil2 aku rehat tu, aku akan plan my time so that i won't miss benda2 wajib yang perlu dilakukan, seperti, tido dan solat (yang part solat tu... heheheh... ada la juga terlepas :P). sekarang ni musim TERPAKSA study sebab next week dah nak start continuos assessment. sangat macam haram. tetiba, tengah2 aku plan masa tu, aku fikir balik: masa solat macam mana?
adoiyayy.... sangat ntah apa apa ntah
petang tu, aku pergi gym. saje je nak buang lemak2 tepu yang dah jadi bahan menyakitkan jiwa neh. selalu nyer, kalau petang aku pergi workout, aku mmg time myself supaya aku akan balik, sempat nak make some dinner, sempat nak shower, nak maghrib (solat??), nak online, nak study (konon nya la)....
lagi2 aku nak letak slot untuk solat neh?? apa hal?!?!?
nota kaki meja: cycle aku dah complete. pada pagi lapan haribulan julai dua ribu sembilan, aku tak sah nak melakukan ibadah. datang bulan daa.....
beware: these can happen to you when you are "in love".
i have a few friends that i know of that are currently "in love". yeah, i put that in inverted commas because it is not actually love per se, but it actually turns out to be lust. but of course no one realizes that until it is, say, too late? i have been observing some of my friends who are rather into their current relationships.
so here are some of my takes:
-you can turn into a really forgetful person. not only because you are in your own world and only thinking of your partner 24/7, but you also tend to forget your friends, and the things and promises that you guys had done or made together.
-your way, is the only way. you want things to go as according to how you want it to be. other ways are totally unacceptable. you become a bitch. just because your partner kisses the ground that you walk on, doesn't mean that others comply to your demands.
-you think you are in control. you want to control even what others do.
-you become arrogant just because you are wanted, by ONE person.
-you become someone else, the IDEAL person in your lover's eye, only when your lover is around. someone that others don't quite know.
-you have new allies, most of the time, they are people of your lover's circle. and when you plan something major, say like, GETTING MARRIED, you will only communicate with your OLD friends via a middle person. no more getting down and personal.
-you don't have time. all your time is for your lover.
now, is this "in love" or bullshit actually?
so here are some of my takes:
-you can turn into a really forgetful person. not only because you are in your own world and only thinking of your partner 24/7, but you also tend to forget your friends, and the things and promises that you guys had done or made together.
-your way, is the only way. you want things to go as according to how you want it to be. other ways are totally unacceptable. you become a bitch. just because your partner kisses the ground that you walk on, doesn't mean that others comply to your demands.
-you think you are in control. you want to control even what others do.
-you become arrogant just because you are wanted, by ONE person.
-you become someone else, the IDEAL person in your lover's eye, only when your lover is around. someone that others don't quite know.
-you have new allies, most of the time, they are people of your lover's circle. and when you plan something major, say like, GETTING MARRIED, you will only communicate with your OLD friends via a middle person. no more getting down and personal.
-you don't have time. all your time is for your lover.
now, is this "in love" or bullshit actually?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
bila bahan-bahan yang ada plan nak masak semua dah jadi bukan rezeki anda, last-last jadi makan hati la jawapnya
kat sini hujan (Alhamdulillah) lebat. i like. kereta park kat luar rumah (tak bersangkut paut pun fakta ni). aku kat dalam rumah. konon tengah study. tapi sebenarnya tengah break, tgk movie jap.
tetiba rasa macam nak masak.
memang tekak rasa nak makan sup telur ngan sayur. dah meleleh air liur tanpa aku sedar. pergi dapur, panaskan rice cooker. biasa la. rumah student, takkan nak pakai dapur arang kott kan? sambil tunggu cooker panas, aku keluarkan barang2 yang aku nak masak dari dalam fridge. mula2 keluarkan kobis, letak atas fridge. pastu tengok ada telur sebiji yang aku idamkan tu, aku keluarkan, aku letak atas tupperware sebab aku takut dia akan guling and pecah. sekali mana tau, dia nak berguling juga. *pelepap!! berlinang telur kuning atas lantai. kulit telur retak seribu, sama macam hati aku masa tu. nak keluar beli telur, kan ke aku cakap hujan??
pastu, tukar strategy. aku teringat ada lebih sardine yang aku buka hari tu. banyak lagi, mana aku habis makan sorang2. aku simpan dalam bekas, letak dalam fridge. sebab takde telur, sardine pun ok la kott. aku geledah fridge, cari bekas tu. dah terbayang dah, sambal sardine. perrrrggghhhh!! sure masyukk arr masa2 hujan ni. aku jumpa bekas tu, aku bawa keluar, aku buka. Innalillah hiwainnaillahirojiun..... dah basi la pulak.
nak buka tin sardine baru, ahhh... malas.
last2 aku masak je apa yang ada: sup macaroni (macaroni + kubis + tomato + crabstick)
nasib baik aku tere masak.
tetiba rasa macam nak masak.
memang tekak rasa nak makan sup telur ngan sayur. dah meleleh air liur tanpa aku sedar. pergi dapur, panaskan rice cooker. biasa la. rumah student, takkan nak pakai dapur arang kott kan? sambil tunggu cooker panas, aku keluarkan barang2 yang aku nak masak dari dalam fridge. mula2 keluarkan kobis, letak atas fridge. pastu tengok ada telur sebiji yang aku idamkan tu, aku keluarkan, aku letak atas tupperware sebab aku takut dia akan guling and pecah. sekali mana tau, dia nak berguling juga. *pelepap!! berlinang telur kuning atas lantai. kulit telur retak seribu, sama macam hati aku masa tu. nak keluar beli telur, kan ke aku cakap hujan??
pastu, tukar strategy. aku teringat ada lebih sardine yang aku buka hari tu. banyak lagi, mana aku habis makan sorang2. aku simpan dalam bekas, letak dalam fridge. sebab takde telur, sardine pun ok la kott. aku geledah fridge, cari bekas tu. dah terbayang dah, sambal sardine. perrrrggghhhh!! sure masyukk arr masa2 hujan ni. aku jumpa bekas tu, aku bawa keluar, aku buka. Innalillah hiwainnaillahirojiun..... dah basi la pulak.
nak buka tin sardine baru, ahhh... malas.
last2 aku masak je apa yang ada: sup macaroni (macaroni + kubis + tomato + crabstick)
nasib baik aku tere masak.
pesanan penaja rancangan
- kalau anda buat sesuatu lepas tu harap orang nak hantar "thank you" card kat anda, siap anda point out lagi yang anda dah buat sesuatu itu, sila jangan buat apa2 ye. sebab nampak naa anda tak ikhlas.
- sedangkan mak aku pun tak control aku macam tu, jadi sila jangan nak jadi figure of authority yang tak bertauliah ye.
- aku dah nak mula cuti ni. jadi kepada geng ronggeng, apa lagi, plan, plan, and more plans!!
- aku rasa macam aku suka seseorang la. rasa je.... lom nak confirm lagi pun.
- birthday aku nak dekat. ada sesiapa nak alamat ke? mana tau nak hantar present :P. sila jangan hantar durian dan apa2 yang sewaktu dengan nya.
tu je la kott takat ni.
Monday, July 6, 2009
ma, nak tanya neh....

ma, you sayang i tak?
i sayang you taww....
ma, you nampak tak gambar apa iteww??
sure nampak kan, mata you kan ke cantik....
ma, you betul sayang i neh?
i sayang you sangat2!! you are the bestest!!
jadi, kalau you sayang i,
i nak truck tu ma, boleh kan? tapi i tak nak gambar je, atau replica ke, i nak truck tu, yang i boleh pandu punya.
kata you sayang i..... :P
selamat hari ibu, ma!!! [ayat bodek :P]
hech wan end wan dah menusuk masuk ke campus aku. sekian, terima kasih
Semeling, hari isnin, enam haribulan julai dua ribu sembilan: pung pang pung pang... sok sek sok sek.... blablablablabla......
khabar berita CONFIRMED yang sampai ke cuping telinga aku: seorang pelajar dari uni aku, budak pharmacy is a CONFIRMED case of H1N1, dia kini dah dimasukkan ke hospital. dia mendapat virus H1N1 dari UKM ketika sedang melaksanakan practical dia di sana. seorang lagi pelajar, yang telah ada direct contact dengan budak pharmacy tu, is a SUSPECTED case of H1N1 virus. pelajar ini sedang dikuarantin.
ada lagi seramai DUA PULUH orang pelajar sedang dikuarantin di hostel yang terletak dalam kawasan campus kerana mempunyai symptom2 jangkitan virus H1N1.
apa yang aku boleh buat sekarang? tawakkal je la....
khabar berita CONFIRMED yang sampai ke cuping telinga aku: seorang pelajar dari uni aku, budak pharmacy is a CONFIRMED case of H1N1, dia kini dah dimasukkan ke hospital. dia mendapat virus H1N1 dari UKM ketika sedang melaksanakan practical dia di sana. seorang lagi pelajar, yang telah ada direct contact dengan budak pharmacy tu, is a SUSPECTED case of H1N1 virus. pelajar ini sedang dikuarantin.
ada lagi seramai DUA PULUH orang pelajar sedang dikuarantin di hostel yang terletak dalam kawasan campus kerana mempunyai symptom2 jangkitan virus H1N1.
apa yang aku boleh buat sekarang? tawakkal je la....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
nasib baik aku disuruh jadi camerawoman. at least boleh aku cari sebab untuk lari dari makan durian.
hari tu abah aku dari kg. hilir call. dia dah peasn suruh datang kampung sebab ada hari "sepetang di dusun". apa yang aku faham, ini adalah program antara keluarga angkat dan anak angkat, kira orang2 kampung nak belanja kami makan buah2 dari dusun derang la. aku ingat ni small-scale event. mana tau, sekali dengan tan sri la, dato' la, RTM 1 buat coverage la bagai.
masa mula2 sampai tu, cuma ada aku sama BBP je yang mewakili uni kami. yang lain tak nampak batang hidung, especially our doctors. tapi, orang2 kuat UiTM merbok semua dah datang isi tempat kosong. even dr. jamilah yang head the klinik kesihatan merbok pun spared her time to be there.
takde la besar2 sangat actually. but the main thing was the fruits. omg!! sangat banyak ok. berapa ramai yang datang tu, boleh tak habis tau buah2 yang drang hidang. durian tu, siap sorang boleh bawa balik sebiji lagi, kecuali aku la kan sebab aku mmg tak nak pun. tapi apa yang aku pelik tu, cara orang sini makan durian. sangat2 heavy ok. durian tu dimakan dengan pulut dan ditambah santan, gula. itu opsyen 1. opsyen 2 pulak, still the same, tapi gula tukar kepada ikan masin (dabel yu ti eff??). opsyen 3 pula, sama gak, ikan masin tukar kepada inti kueh koci. i was like "whoa!!", tak ke rasa sangat jelak makan macam tu punya heavy?
aku tgk semua bantai makan durian like there is no tomorrow. aku tgk pun aku takut. tak ke panas rasa badan derang? walaupun kemah tu open, bau durian tetap menusuk lubang hidung ku yang macam serombong kapal ni. orang yang tgk aku berdiri tercegat sambil amik video tu, semua tanya "dah makan?". "errr.... saya tak makan durian". tapi sebab aku bz masa tu, jadi aku terlepas la dari soalan yang sama yang datang dari orang yang berbeza.
ada juga cempedak, rambutan, manggis, dan yang paling rare, cucur durian. aku rasa la kan, kalau boleh buat cakotiaw masak durian pun, mesti derang buat. kopi campur durian ke, minyak wangi durian ke, apa2 je la. semua neh derang nak buat dari durian.
masa jalan2 kat area tu, aku tgk geng akua sibuk makan buah dari pokok. aku pun terjah la. sekali tengok derang dok bantai makan langsat. wahh!! aku pun join sekali la. iye la, tgk pokok pun tak berpagar, so, kami tak segan langsung untuk ambil kotak and start petik langsat sampai hampir penuh kotak tu la. iye la kan, nak bawa balik la. sekali tgk, pokok tu bertuan daa!!! adoiyayy... bukan salah kami ok. kami serious tak tahu. buat muka innocent bagai, pastu, pass... leh bawa balik langsat tu :P
nasib aku takde selera nak lunch. punya kenyang makan buah aja.
[sila jangan risau. takde bau durian ok]
revenge of the fallen person when a promise made was broken
yeah... yeah.... i know. i am so 2000 late, as according to fergie in "boom boom pow". but hey, don't blame me, i have tonnes of other things to be done in my life. but the truth is, i was holding on to a promise to watch this...
but as always, promises are meant to be broken, eh?
so, finally yesterday, i went to watch the long awaited Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen. Rest assured, i wasn't alone, i had company :)
my take on this movie: it was ok. but i think it was a little too draggy and too long, especially the part where autobots and decepticons were fighting. and the first sight of megan fox was when she was airbrushing a ride. the scene made me wonder, who on God's green earth, sits in that kind of position while trying to complete a paint job? it was sexy at first, but then, it sort of became stupid. anyway, i almost shed that ONE drop of tear when optimus prime DIED. yeah, he did. but hey, he's a PRIME, primes do not die off that easily, eh?
in the end, i'd give it a full-blown 7/10, just because it had too much of unnecessary fight scenes that i thought was boring.
my final word: REVENGE is sweet ;)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
seram sejuk aku dibuatnya.
pagi tadi aku tidur dalam pukul 0500hours, ke pukul berapa ntah, aku tak pasti. yang aku pasti, ada lagi aku mimpi pasal benda2 pelik.
serious, semenjak kebelakangan ni, mimpi2 aku macam trying to tell me something. but orang kata, mimpi tu hanya mainan tidur. tak juga. actually, masa kita bermimpi, otak kita sangat active ketika itu. mostly, mimpi kita adalah residual thoughts that are embedded in our hippocampus, the area in our brain where memories are stored. subconciously, the thoughts are brought to our attention through dreams.
sometimes, dream are just trivial activities that occur randomly during sleep.
anyway, semalam aku mimpi, aku berada dalam sebuah bangunan and i am supposed to go and grab something from the upper floors. masa dalam mimpi tu, waktu adalah senja. bilik yang aku pergi untuk cari barang tu, tak berlampu, so aku cuma boleh mengharap the daylight that shines through the window, which evidently was fading fast.
so, i went to this one room and the thing that i was supposed to take was on the floor, beside a table. i bent down to pickup the item and i heard a voice of a girl talking to me. aku yakin masa tu aku sorang aja dalam bilik tu. bila aku toleh tengok bawah meja, aku nampak seorang budak perempuan sedang duduk di bawah meja tu, memandang ke arah aku. muka dia macam agak evil. aku memang takut sangat masa tu, aku terus lari turun. and masa aku bergegas tu, budak tu senyum sambil berkata:
"i know something that you don't know"
serious, sambil aku type ni, naik bulu roma aku.
serious, semenjak kebelakangan ni, mimpi2 aku macam trying to tell me something. but orang kata, mimpi tu hanya mainan tidur. tak juga. actually, masa kita bermimpi, otak kita sangat active ketika itu. mostly, mimpi kita adalah residual thoughts that are embedded in our hippocampus, the area in our brain where memories are stored. subconciously, the thoughts are brought to our attention through dreams.
sometimes, dream are just trivial activities that occur randomly during sleep.
anyway, semalam aku mimpi, aku berada dalam sebuah bangunan and i am supposed to go and grab something from the upper floors. masa dalam mimpi tu, waktu adalah senja. bilik yang aku pergi untuk cari barang tu, tak berlampu, so aku cuma boleh mengharap the daylight that shines through the window, which evidently was fading fast.
so, i went to this one room and the thing that i was supposed to take was on the floor, beside a table. i bent down to pickup the item and i heard a voice of a girl talking to me. aku yakin masa tu aku sorang aja dalam bilik tu. bila aku toleh tengok bawah meja, aku nampak seorang budak perempuan sedang duduk di bawah meja tu, memandang ke arah aku. muka dia macam agak evil. aku memang takut sangat masa tu, aku terus lari turun. and masa aku bergegas tu, budak tu senyum sambil berkata:
"i know something that you don't know"
serious, sambil aku type ni, naik bulu roma aku.
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