The School's admin and its examination division is just side by side. But they do not COMMUNICATE with each other AT ALL! When I went into the school, the receptionist said: "I don't know, we don't deal with this. Go ask next door", while she sat her fat ass on her chair. And after awhile, when I had to deal with her again, to see someone that I have no idea how she looks like, the receptionist was in such a hurry to go out to lunch to feed herself so that her fat ass gets fatter, that she just told me off to go into the office and ask someone else.
I did a little runaround and they tested my patience, yes they did. But my Ma did not teach me to be rude. So, I complimented their hostility with a smile and good manners.
They should be rightly name as SCHOOL OF HOSTILITY, TAUNTS, and CUNT ARTS.