1800-88-8433 adalah nombor tol free untuk khidmat pelanggan TM.
khidmat pelanggan kepala paip depa! aku call dah ada 4 kali dah sejak 30minit yang lepas and aku tunggu barang 10minint untuk setiap kali aku call. aku pilioh option BM pun iye, option English pun iye, tapi jawapan mereka tetap consistent:
"All of our customer service trainees are busy. your call is very important to us. please hold"
"semua pegawai khidmat pelanggan kami sedang sibuk. panggilan anda adalah amat penting bagi kami. sila tunggu"
aku call sebab aku nak kasi depa duit. nak bayar bill. nak tanya exact amount. tapi derang tak nak jawap la pulak. busy konon. busy buat apa? pergi breakfast? kalau ada seratus telephone operator tu, tapi pegawai khidmat pelanggan yang berkerja hanyalah dua orang, baik tak payah kan. nanti kalau aku tak bayar, derang nak potong sana, potong sini. pastu tanya balik: "dah potong?"
memang king of bangsat la TM ni.
so, Telekom Malaysia, how in the world do i get through to you?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
ciri-ciri telephone idamanku.
p/s:mana nak cari phone ni? super cool wei... kalau aku pakai ni, semua orang akan kagum punya la. huhuhuh
anyway, aku sekarang tengah on the hunt for a new phone to ganti phone aku yang dah 4 tahun lamanya ni. kalau korang tengok phone aku sekarang, boleh nangis pun iye juga. cover lense camera dia pun berplaster, dia punya cover untuk outlet pun dah terkopak, battery dah tukar 2 kali, still asyik habis battery je. nak on apa2 pun, dah lagging dah. aku cuma sekarang pakai fon ni sebab aku takde fon lain je. kalau aku ada public fon, dah lama aku angkut.
ok, ciri2 fon yang aku nak:
-mestilah boleh calling2 dan sms, iye tak?
-mesti ada camera at least 3.2megapix
-mesti ada front and back camera. kalau tak, apa kejadah nak buat 3g vid call kalau aku tak nampak orang yang aku call tu.
-mesti ada basic office tools so that i can keep my notes in there for when aku tengah menunggu atau tengah dengan patients, aku boleh rujuk kat fon aku.
-mesti ada net browsing thru WiFi.
-mesti ada video player, music player, radio.
-mesti ada ggbiru, bawahmerah, benda2 standard macam tu.
-paling penting, mesti harga berpatutan dan cool seperti aku.
korang nak recommend apa? sila bagi specs dia sekali. tima kaseh.
Monday, December 28, 2009
i am so going to sue TESCO
please everyone. be very aware!! don't ever buy fresh (not really actually) squids from TESCO. i bought them yesterday and today, i feel like hell.
i am now feeling nauseous and having teribble headache and my whole body is in a hyperaesthesia (very sensitive to touch) mode that i feel pain even while i am typing right now. i don't even dare to drink a drop of water right now because i feel like vomitting so bad.
even Emi is suffering because she ate the squids too. she can't control herself and i had to clean up the mess she made.
i am now feeling nauseous and having teribble headache and my whole body is in a hyperaesthesia (very sensitive to touch) mode that i feel pain even while i am typing right now. i don't even dare to drink a drop of water right now because i feel like vomitting so bad.
even Emi is suffering because she ate the squids too. she can't control herself and i had to clean up the mess she made.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
by far, the bestest LCK (that's lai chi kang, for you non-foodies) ever!

sila tahan kadar lelehan air liur anda. takut nanti QWERTY keyboard anda rosak ditenggelami air liur.
aku tak pernah melepak kat kawasan tu. so tadi aku terasa nak melepak, sebab dah sangap tahap ketua kampung. jadi aku pun pergi la. tekak pulak memang terasa nak minum LCK. aku kalau order LCK, aku minta yang sejuk and kurang manis. yes, they do have option kurang manis kerana sekarang orang kan mengamalkan cara pemakanan 5M:
-kurang manis
-kurang minyak
-kurang masin
-makan banyak sayur dan buahan
-minum air secukupnya
as aku pernah mention before, i am a habitual eater. so, sekarang ni aku tengah musim minum LCK, bersempena dengan musim kemarau kat bahagian utara ini yang boleh menyebabkan pencairan otak kalau silap besar duduk bawah matahari lama sangat (tu pun salah satu sebab kenapa aku tak panjat bumbung hari ni. sila rujuk entry "niat tak kesampaian"). so, aku berusaha mencari LCK yang paling best.
mula2 aku ingat LCK Gerai Sungai Dua kat Jam Besar tu yang paling best. memang puas la minum LCK tu. and then aku jumpa LCK yang sama banyak dengan LCK Sungai Dua, tapi harga dia rm1.50 je, rasa dia lebih kurang sama dengan LCK Sungai Dua. aku pun teruja la. tapi masalahnya, LCK rm1.50 tu, sangatlah jauh untuk dinikmati. sekali aku jumpa LCK yang ni daa... aku nak namakan dia, LCK Taman Jubilee. yang paling best, pagi2 pun dia dah start jual LCK. sangat rare ok.
and harga dia? rm2.50 sahaja!! oh-em-jii!! hanya 30sen lebih dari LCK Sungai Dua. tapi dia punya "treasures" dalam LCK Taman Jubilee ni, tak boleh ditandingi. ada buah tembikai, ada buah betik, ada sagu, ada jelly, ada kembang semangkuk... segala la ada dalam LCK Taman Jubilee. duit emas je takde dalam tu huhuhuh....
so, pada siapa yang nak pergi rasa LCK ni, jom, i'll bring you there.
p/s: minum LCK ni, boleh kenyang sampai petang tu.... and aku tak makan kacang dia. me no likey....
Friday, December 25, 2009
sticky: cottons dan sarung batik
hey people,
here are some materials that are 100% cotton. there are selling for rm14/meter. sesuai sangat untuk dibuat baju kurung traditional and simple.
and the sarung batik, sesuai untuk digandingkan dengan kebaya top traditional. ada banyak lagi pattern lain, but buat masa ni, tunjuk design yang ni dulu la ok. anyway, it is rm12 untuk sepasang sarung batik.
terms and conditions:
How to purchase
1. Purchase confimation is based on "first come, first serve" basis.
2. Please make your payment within 3 days of confirmation. Otherwise the order will be for sale to others.
3. Payment to be made to my CIMB or MAYBANK account.
4. Account details will be given upon confirmation of purchase via email.
For purchase and confirmation, please contact me at: aliaseptember[at]gmail[dot]com
i will need these details:
Contact Number:
Adress for items to be sent:
Item Code:
Shipping and Handling
1. After payment is made, please email/SMS (my fon number will be given in the mail) me the time, transaction code,amount paid and bank of transaction.
2. I will send the purchased items via POS LAJU, and i will email/SMS you the POS LAJU code
3. RM5 for every shipment that fits into one large POS LAJU envelope. if the items are too many, a second envelope will be used and another RM5 will be added to the bill.
p/s:similarly, pada sesiapa yang berminat dengan hijab, please click here. this is my friend's www :)
here are some materials that are 100% cotton. there are selling for rm14/meter. sesuai sangat untuk dibuat baju kurung traditional and simple.
and the sarung batik, sesuai untuk digandingkan dengan kebaya top traditional. ada banyak lagi pattern lain, but buat masa ni, tunjuk design yang ni dulu la ok. anyway, it is rm12 untuk sepasang sarung batik.
terms and conditions:
How to purchase
1. Purchase confimation is based on "first come, first serve" basis.
2. Please make your payment within 3 days of confirmation. Otherwise the order will be for sale to others.
3. Payment to be made to my CIMB or MAYBANK account.
4. Account details will be given upon confirmation of purchase via email.
For purchase and confirmation, please contact me at: aliaseptember[at]gmail[dot]com
i will need these details:
Contact Number:
Adress for items to be sent:
Item Code:
Shipping and Handling
1. After payment is made, please email/SMS (my fon number will be given in the mail) me the time, transaction code,amount paid and bank of transaction.
2. I will send the purchased items via POS LAJU, and i will email/SMS you the POS LAJU code
3. RM5 for every shipment that fits into one large POS LAJU envelope. if the items are too many, a second envelope will be used and another RM5 will be added to the bill.
p/s:similarly, pada sesiapa yang berminat dengan hijab, please click here. this is my friend's www :)
niat tak kesampaian
ingatkan nak panjat bumbung rumah tadi. tapi kali ini bukanlah sebab Emi buat hal. tapi sebab aku tak puas hati, aku nak check tangki rumah ni: bocor ke, apa ke? malam-malam aku dengar bunyi air mengalir, terasa macam duit aku pulak yang mengalir. hari tu dah suruh Second Landlord call Pakcik Zul (the actual landlord la kan) untuk datang check. tapi sampai sekarang takde apa tindakan yang diambil pun. aku kan hanya penyewa rumah je? bukanlah tanggungjawap aku untuk uruskan ni semua. second landlord yang patut buat. apa-apa pun, bil air makin bulan makin meningkat. what the neraka?!?!
tapi aku tak jadi nak panjat bumbung rumah sebab terlalu panas. tak sampai hati aku nak jadi hitam legam, walaupun pada hakikatnya, aku rasa hussein bolt tu putih sikit lagi dari aku kott....
apa kes?
tapi aku tak jadi nak panjat bumbung rumah sebab terlalu panas. tak sampai hati aku nak jadi hitam legam, walaupun pada hakikatnya, aku rasa hussein bolt tu putih sikit lagi dari aku kott....
apa kes?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
blinded by her persistent push, i forgot that it is all actually called love.
i watched The Blind Side this morning, right after i woke up. usually i would wake up and straight away have some breakfast. but for these past few days, i haven't been having breakfast and i have been snacking, hence the very severe gastric attack that is recurrently taking place. anyway, that is so not the story.
LeighAnne Touhy, the lady who took in Michael Oher from the streets one night when she saw him walking in the freezing cold, on the way to the school gym, because he had nowhere else to go. LeighAnne, she is a strong woman. she has the power of persuasion. she likes things to go her way, and mind you, THAT is the only way. i would think that she has an anankastic type of personality. whatever that her children do, is never enough. she keeps on pushing them to be better.
praises come in rare forms if it were to come from LeighAnne. but then again, those praises are sincere. she stands on her feet when it comes to making her point across the room, or across anyone at all, even the lady at the goverment service counter. if she doesn't like something, she made sure that it is heard.
whatever that she does, she already set in her mind that that is what is good for everyone, for her mainly because in the end she will be satisfied. although all these sound rather like a control freak (oh, yes she is), LeighAnne actually have a heart of gold. she is very well to do and she clicks with all the A-listers. but eventhough her life seems to be like a bed of roses, she never forgets about those that are in need. and this character of hers, liking to help others in any way possible, has rubbed off on her children as well.
LeighAnne Touhy reminds me of my mama.

really, when i watched the movie, i thought i saw my mama in there. she is all that LeighAnne is. she loves to push people, she wants things done her way, she cannot tolerate government ignorance, she has her feet down with anyone that is in contact with her.
mama is active in many kinds of charity work. helping the needy, orphans, the very ill people, any random stranger on the street, and mainly NGOs that are fighting against cancer. no matter if she is herself fit to help or not, she helps. that is how she is. and she never wants anything back. to her, helping others just make her day. make her have a reason to smile, make her satisfied to see others happy. and i am most glad that this trait of mama, has rubbed on on me. helping people in any way possible just gives me an unexplainable high that only i guess mama and i secretly understands. it may seem weird to others, but it ain't weird to the both of us.
and mostly, mama wants the best for her children. like LeighAnne Touhy, if you mess with her children, you're so done for. she will make your life as miserable as hell soon after she knows that you are responsible in making her children unhappy. mama will push us to the wall because she knows that we all work better under pressure. well, at least i do, i am not too sure about others. the jet black carbon that is put under constant high pressure will in the end turn out to be a diamond that is priceless. and that is just what we are. we are mama's precious diamonds.
i love you ma.
p/s: i actually cried watching this movie because now i realize how beautiful a mother's love can be.
LeighAnne Touhy, the lady who took in Michael Oher from the streets one night when she saw him walking in the freezing cold, on the way to the school gym, because he had nowhere else to go. LeighAnne, she is a strong woman. she has the power of persuasion. she likes things to go her way, and mind you, THAT is the only way. i would think that she has an anankastic type of personality. whatever that her children do, is never enough. she keeps on pushing them to be better.
praises come in rare forms if it were to come from LeighAnne. but then again, those praises are sincere. she stands on her feet when it comes to making her point across the room, or across anyone at all, even the lady at the goverment service counter. if she doesn't like something, she made sure that it is heard.
whatever that she does, she already set in her mind that that is what is good for everyone, for her mainly because in the end she will be satisfied. although all these sound rather like a control freak (oh, yes she is), LeighAnne actually have a heart of gold. she is very well to do and she clicks with all the A-listers. but eventhough her life seems to be like a bed of roses, she never forgets about those that are in need. and this character of hers, liking to help others in any way possible, has rubbed off on her children as well.
LeighAnne Touhy reminds me of my mama.

really, when i watched the movie, i thought i saw my mama in there. she is all that LeighAnne is. she loves to push people, she wants things done her way, she cannot tolerate government ignorance, she has her feet down with anyone that is in contact with her.
mama is active in many kinds of charity work. helping the needy, orphans, the very ill people, any random stranger on the street, and mainly NGOs that are fighting against cancer. no matter if she is herself fit to help or not, she helps. that is how she is. and she never wants anything back. to her, helping others just make her day. make her have a reason to smile, make her satisfied to see others happy. and i am most glad that this trait of mama, has rubbed on on me. helping people in any way possible just gives me an unexplainable high that only i guess mama and i secretly understands. it may seem weird to others, but it ain't weird to the both of us.
and mostly, mama wants the best for her children. like LeighAnne Touhy, if you mess with her children, you're so done for. she will make your life as miserable as hell soon after she knows that you are responsible in making her children unhappy. mama will push us to the wall because she knows that we all work better under pressure. well, at least i do, i am not too sure about others. the jet black carbon that is put under constant high pressure will in the end turn out to be a diamond that is priceless. and that is just what we are. we are mama's precious diamonds.
i love you ma.
p/s: i actually cried watching this movie because now i realize how beautiful a mother's love can be.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
oh-em-jii... it has been 3 days since i last blogged about something. not that i am too lazy to do so, but i was too caught up with the second wave of exams that i felt so damn guilty to be online. but that does not stop me from being on facebook like almost 24hours a day. damn! that thing is addictive. i even wanted to start playing cafe world but i know if i were to start, my books and notes will be buried in cobweb before i will touch them again. so, that didn't happen. i didn't become a super chef in the cafe world, not yet at least.
maybe i should start today? since even after the second wave of professional exams, i am still sadly stuck here in kedah. everyone else that i know is already either at home, home-bound, or at least out having fun. me, well, i am here, in my room, infront of my Mr. Dell, blogging about the not-so-interesting life of REd. sad, ain't it?
anyway, the third wave of the exams will only commence in january 2010. oh yeah, the new year. what shall i do? currently, i am booked for a job for new year's eve and i will have to travel on the 31st and only be back by noon of jan 1st. that is just a booking, haven't even confirm if i get the job or not. well, i hope i do. at least there is something for me to do to pass time.
honestly, i can't wait for jan 1st not because it is the new year. but because someone will be with me. i am not sure if i am allowed to disclose this matter. but she and i, we will be having fun!!
so, yeah, that is just some mundane update on my part. my room looks like a shipwreck (as always). i was supposed to clean up my room today but i fell asleep and then went for jogging in the evening. i am just too lazy to do it now. so i guess i'll reserve it for tomorrow's activity. what shall i do on friday then? clean the neighbourhood? damn it! i am effing loosing it here!!!
p/s: i really hope i someone will rescue me out of this boredom.
maybe i should start today? since even after the second wave of professional exams, i am still sadly stuck here in kedah. everyone else that i know is already either at home, home-bound, or at least out having fun. me, well, i am here, in my room, infront of my Mr. Dell, blogging about the not-so-interesting life of REd. sad, ain't it?
anyway, the third wave of the exams will only commence in january 2010. oh yeah, the new year. what shall i do? currently, i am booked for a job for new year's eve and i will have to travel on the 31st and only be back by noon of jan 1st. that is just a booking, haven't even confirm if i get the job or not. well, i hope i do. at least there is something for me to do to pass time.
honestly, i can't wait for jan 1st not because it is the new year. but because someone will be with me. i am not sure if i am allowed to disclose this matter. but she and i, we will be having fun!!
so, yeah, that is just some mundane update on my part. my room looks like a shipwreck (as always). i was supposed to clean up my room today but i fell asleep and then went for jogging in the evening. i am just too lazy to do it now. so i guess i'll reserve it for tomorrow's activity. what shall i do on friday then? clean the neighbourhood? damn it! i am effing loosing it here!!!
p/s: i really hope i someone will rescue me out of this boredom.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
i do Kamasutra when i am bored.

i found this poster somewhere in the www today. it looks kind of familiar. it looks like what had happened yesterday between me and Emerald (yes, her name has changed from Atap to Emerald. that's Emi for short).
but the sad truth is, only Emi had all the fun... heheheheh....
p/s: how come i have a pet now? oh-em-jii!! and the biggest problem is, she smells like Donkey and she just loves to give me a kiss. yucks!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
this is what i am going through now. i just want to get this over and done with!!! arrgghhh!!!
but don't you think this is so damn cool? thing is, i am concerned about the environmental factor of it. aren't we supposed to save the environment? this looks like a huge waste of post-its....
Natalie Dylan: the price of virginity.
this is Natalie Dylan (or her made-up virgin name, i am not too sure. but honey, what's with the skin breakouts? never trust a close-up picture).
she is 22 years old (although, i think she can also pass for a 35 years old if she was living in asia, don't you agree?) as of year 2009 and she is attending college (what course? medicine? no wonder she wants to play "doctor") somewhere in the states. she started off as a small town nobody, but this year, things have changed. she became a somebody and a very famous (for all the wrong reasons) somebody at that!
so, she is selling off her virginity. don't believe me? read this. it seems that in this world that we are living in these days, virginity is a rare and priceless commodity. commodity? REALLY??!!?
but natalie is going to break that statement by putting a price on hers. she is actually auctioning her virginity online. her reasons are simple she is doing this because:
a) her sister Avia Dylan is also doing it (but not online. Avia is actually a PROSTITUTE who is attending school and paying her school fee with that prostitution money).
b) oh, Natalie HAS to because she also wants to go to school and she can't afford to go because she has not enough to pay the fee (haven't they heard of bank loans or scholarships or grants???).
weird thing is, she has all the time and all the money in the world to set up herself online. i mean, the clothes, the raunchy photoshoots, the makeups, the hairdos. if she were to spend all those time and energy to actually find another way to fund her schooling fee, she would have been in school by now. but i guess she is too busy managing her online bid.
now that is desperate.
p/s: if virginity were a rare and priceless commodity, how would her bidders know that she is actually a virgin? i mean, if they haven't been with a virgin, how would they know a virgin?
a poem for them
there are these 2 people that i know
are they a "he" or a "she"
i am afraid i can't reveal so.
they love to shop
they love to brag
but when it comes to pay time
they won't pay back.
do they act together?
hmmm... i am not too sure
wanna take a guess?
but hey, no pressure ;)
oh please, oh please, spare me this
i'm really not spying on you
you are not even on the celebrity A-list.
the things they do
they tell all kinds
and then they go on saying:
"oooo.... i have a stalker on my behind"
i go on thinking
with all i have
and then i have this to reply to that statement they made earlier
"what the eff?"
come on, grow up already
if you know who you are
there are things more precious than ego and pride
and it is definitely not your car.
so i am asking you this
when will all this end?
the shopping, the socializing, the gallavanting
but still how come there is no money in my bank?
~the end~
*so so so, written by me.
are they a "he" or a "she"
i am afraid i can't reveal so.
they love to shop
they love to brag
but when it comes to pay time
they won't pay back.
do they act together?
hmmm... i am not too sure
wanna take a guess?
but hey, no pressure ;)
oh please, oh please, spare me this
i'm really not spying on you
you are not even on the celebrity A-list.
the things they do
they tell all kinds
and then they go on saying:
"oooo.... i have a stalker on my behind"
i go on thinking
with all i have
and then i have this to reply to that statement they made earlier
"what the eff?"
come on, grow up already
if you know who you are
there are things more precious than ego and pride
and it is definitely not your car.
so i am asking you this
when will all this end?
the shopping, the socializing, the gallavanting
but still how come there is no money in my bank?
~the end~
*so so so, written by me.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
mengikut kata pendekar bujang lapok: "cobaaaaannnnnn...."
seperti semua sedia maklum, hari ini bermulalah second wave exam aku: Professional Exams. ntah apa sampuk aku, sebelum cleaner sampai campus, aku dah sampai dulu. on the way ke campus, masa aku tengah jalan tu, macam-macam benda bermain dalam otak aku, tapi satu pun takde kena mengena dengan exam yang aku bakal duduk pagi tadi. doa ada, lagu lady gaga ada, muka dia ada, sms dari mak aku ada, feeling of guilt ada....tapi fakta medical, semua ntah ke mana.
seperti biasa, aku adalah orang pertama dalam barisan periksa tu. biasalah, kalau nama start dari A, memang menjadi lumrah alam semenjak aku tadika lagi la yang aku akan berada di hadapan barisan. exam slip yang aku ambil kelmarin, dah aku serahkan awal2 kepada saras, sebab dia gerenti akan bawa punya. kalau aku, boleh nak terlupa. ingat tak kisah dulu?
then, semua answer booklets dengan soalan dah dapat, aku pun dengan tekun mengisi ruang2 kosong dengan benda2 yang perlu seperti course code, title of paper, date, personal index number.
and the exam begins....
dia ada 3 phase. phase pertama kena jawap dulu then hand in, then phase kedua and ketiga jawap together. so, selepas aku selesai dengan phase pertama, aku hand in my paper and aku terus start phase kedua. aku baca soalan, aku jawap apa yang aku tahu.
tetiba, invigilator datang, tunjuk aku paper yang aku hand in tadi. dia tanya, "is this yours?"
aku pun tengok la. sah!! mistake yang sama aku buat setahun lepas, aku ulang balik. instead of writing my personal index number, aku tulis aku punya identification number. bengong!!! lepas tu, kelam kabut la aku jadinya. setiap paper aku, yang aku dah isi sebelum periksa mula, untuk save masa, aku kena betulkan. dah buang masa aku.....haishhh....
tu cobaan pertama.
then, tengah best2 menjawap sambil berfikir, perut memulas. hari ni second day aku period. period pain tak ingat punya. jangan cakap period pain je. aku boleh rasa macam empangan pecah pun iye juga. aku memang dah nak bangun pergi toilet untuk menyelamatkan keadaan. tapi aku tahan sebab aku tak nak kehilangan masa lagi. apa nak jadi, jadi lah... tapi alhamdulillah, nothing major happened. empangan aku masih kukuh sehingga ke minit terakhir exam itu :P
tu cobaan kedua.
aku ni ada habit, aku suka baca benda sekali pintas.aku tak reti nak baca dengan detail. soalan tu ada sepuluh untuk phase kedua. cuma kena wajib jawap LAPAN, dan LAPAN SAHAJA. aku pergi jawap SEMBILAN. bijak kan? last2 aku buat pertarungan antara dua soalan, mana yang aku rasa boleh score lagi best, yang tu la aku biarkan. yang lagi satu, aku CANCEL.
tu cobaan ketiga.
p/s: exam slip aku kini berada di dalam tangan arul. dia pulak pegang untuk monday's exam.
seperti biasa, aku adalah orang pertama dalam barisan periksa tu. biasalah, kalau nama start dari A, memang menjadi lumrah alam semenjak aku tadika lagi la yang aku akan berada di hadapan barisan. exam slip yang aku ambil kelmarin, dah aku serahkan awal2 kepada saras, sebab dia gerenti akan bawa punya. kalau aku, boleh nak terlupa. ingat tak kisah dulu?
then, semua answer booklets dengan soalan dah dapat, aku pun dengan tekun mengisi ruang2 kosong dengan benda2 yang perlu seperti course code, title of paper, date, personal index number.
and the exam begins....
dia ada 3 phase. phase pertama kena jawap dulu then hand in, then phase kedua and ketiga jawap together. so, selepas aku selesai dengan phase pertama, aku hand in my paper and aku terus start phase kedua. aku baca soalan, aku jawap apa yang aku tahu.
tetiba, invigilator datang, tunjuk aku paper yang aku hand in tadi. dia tanya, "is this yours?"
aku pun tengok la. sah!! mistake yang sama aku buat setahun lepas, aku ulang balik. instead of writing my personal index number, aku tulis aku punya identification number. bengong!!! lepas tu, kelam kabut la aku jadinya. setiap paper aku, yang aku dah isi sebelum periksa mula, untuk save masa, aku kena betulkan. dah buang masa aku.....haishhh....
tu cobaan pertama.
then, tengah best2 menjawap sambil berfikir, perut memulas. hari ni second day aku period. period pain tak ingat punya. jangan cakap period pain je. aku boleh rasa macam empangan pecah pun iye juga. aku memang dah nak bangun pergi toilet untuk menyelamatkan keadaan. tapi aku tahan sebab aku tak nak kehilangan masa lagi. apa nak jadi, jadi lah... tapi alhamdulillah, nothing major happened. empangan aku masih kukuh sehingga ke minit terakhir exam itu :P
tu cobaan kedua.
aku ni ada habit, aku suka baca benda sekali pintas.aku tak reti nak baca dengan detail. soalan tu ada sepuluh untuk phase kedua. cuma kena wajib jawap LAPAN, dan LAPAN SAHAJA. aku pergi jawap SEMBILAN. bijak kan? last2 aku buat pertarungan antara dua soalan, mana yang aku rasa boleh score lagi best, yang tu la aku biarkan. yang lagi satu, aku CANCEL.
tu cobaan ketiga.
p/s: exam slip aku kini berada di dalam tangan arul. dia pulak pegang untuk monday's exam.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
i didn't realize this until the first wave of exams that day. when i am severely stressed, i get this....

i know....dizzy-gusting right?

my palm becomes totally dry and scaly. at first i thought it was the soap that i used or something that i touched. but not really. even after applying copious amount of lotion so moisterize my palm, it goes bone-dry again in 15minutes after aplication.
weird part is..... it happens only on my right palm.

i know....dizzy-gusting right?

my palm becomes totally dry and scaly. at first i thought it was the soap that i used or something that i touched. but not really. even after applying copious amount of lotion so moisterize my palm, it goes bone-dry again in 15minutes after aplication.
weird part is..... it happens only on my right palm.
i guess i will always have to stay single .....
2 days back, i decided to change my status on fb from "single" to "married". it was just a harmless thing, or so i thought. i mean, everyone else change their status on fb every single day. but when it comes to my turn, this was what happened....

from the history of my fb, i have never gotten this much comment on one post!!! o0-em-ji!!! really??
i even got news that someone actually asked my mum, who is way over there in Wien, whether it is true that i am married or not. even my cousin who has not spoken to me in years, has asked me if i were really married. my high school japanese gf even congratulated me.
o0-em-ji.... seriously o0-em-ji.....
so to keep the world in peace, i changed back my status from "married" to "single". and this was the reply.....

so i guess i will always stay single then because people seem to like it when i am single and yeah, the world became peaceful....
p/s: can i change from "single" to "mingle" then?

from the history of my fb, i have never gotten this much comment on one post!!! o0-em-ji!!! really??
i even got news that someone actually asked my mum, who is way over there in Wien, whether it is true that i am married or not. even my cousin who has not spoken to me in years, has asked me if i were really married. my high school japanese gf even congratulated me.
o0-em-ji.... seriously o0-em-ji.....
so to keep the world in peace, i changed back my status from "married" to "single". and this was the reply.....

so i guess i will always stay single then because people seem to like it when i am single and yeah, the world became peaceful....
p/s: can i change from "single" to "mingle" then?
Monday, December 14, 2009

aM i ALive Or Am i Dead? My GReaTest ReGretS RepEaTinG in My HEAD. FeLiNG So emPty aNd coLd, Like pUdDLE of my oWn BLooD foRminG thE SilLhOutte OF a MOld. WonDErinG IF I'LL eveR be mIssED, TRapPed in my Own dARknEss, LOst to THe lUCiDity oF my MiNd. thE DEPRESSION, a waR in tiMe. counTiNG doWn thE DaYS of My lIFe LinE. LoST in All tHEse siLLy RhyMeS. trYing To Breath, buT nO lOnGEr liVing. Lost ALL hopE, loSt ALL meANIng. conFused witH WhAT is REAL. SaYiNg GRace aT mY LAst mEAL.
~so not written by me.
the truth on McDonald's
thank God i stopped eating from the Golden Arches a long time ago.....
Sunday, December 13, 2009
kucing buang tebiat, pernah tengok?
aku pun tak pernah tengok sebenarnya tapi aku rasa si Atap ni kan, buang tebiat kott. dah la aku takde niat langsung nak bela dia. tapi kalau dah hari-hari datang rumah buat muka kesian, mana la aku ada hati nak halau. sekarang lagi best, siap tido atas katil aku lagi. nak di pekik, bukannya dia faham. lantak arr....
dah tu, siap aku belikan dia beras, belikan dia ayam, ikan, semua aku beli nak kasi dia makan. i don't believe in buying those commercial cat food sebab makanan tu semua diproses and lebih baik kasi kucing makan benda yang fresh kan? i mean, aku sendiri pun makan sardine je. adoiyayy... punya la untung kucing ni.
tapi kenapa la pelik naa perangai dia?
dah aku masakkan nasi sama ayam. pastu, aku siat2 ayam tu, gaul dengan nasi untuk bagi dia makan. aku letak dalam bekas elok-elok. aku panggil dia elok-elok. bila dia datang makan, bukannya dia nak makan dalam bekas yang aku hidangkan tu. dia gigit tulang ayam tu, dia bawa pergi makan kat tempat lain. kalau dia makan kat tempat yang boleh diterima akal takpe la juga. ni tak. makan kat dalam tempat kaut sampah la, makan depan bilik air la, makan tepi rubbish bin la. eh, apa ke pelik naa perangai kau kucing oii??
apa2 pun, aku tak nak buat hal la ngan kucing ni. mana tau, dia mmg bebetul tengah buang tebiat.... tak nak aku berdosa ngan binatang.
p/s: ada tak kucing perangai macam ular? ada. si Atap ni la. lepas makan, mengular. haa... elok sangat la tu.
dah tu, siap aku belikan dia beras, belikan dia ayam, ikan, semua aku beli nak kasi dia makan. i don't believe in buying those commercial cat food sebab makanan tu semua diproses and lebih baik kasi kucing makan benda yang fresh kan? i mean, aku sendiri pun makan sardine je. adoiyayy... punya la untung kucing ni.
tapi kenapa la pelik naa perangai dia?
dah aku masakkan nasi sama ayam. pastu, aku siat2 ayam tu, gaul dengan nasi untuk bagi dia makan. aku letak dalam bekas elok-elok. aku panggil dia elok-elok. bila dia datang makan, bukannya dia nak makan dalam bekas yang aku hidangkan tu. dia gigit tulang ayam tu, dia bawa pergi makan kat tempat lain. kalau dia makan kat tempat yang boleh diterima akal takpe la juga. ni tak. makan kat dalam tempat kaut sampah la, makan depan bilik air la, makan tepi rubbish bin la. eh, apa ke pelik naa perangai kau kucing oii??
apa2 pun, aku tak nak buat hal la ngan kucing ni. mana tau, dia mmg bebetul tengah buang tebiat.... tak nak aku berdosa ngan binatang.
p/s: ada tak kucing perangai macam ular? ada. si Atap ni la. lepas makan, mengular. haa... elok sangat la tu.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
takkan dapat sangka punya....
wahai pembaca2 yang bijak biskut merrie, sila lah teka.... di manakah tempat ini?

lepas ni kalau tempat ni fames, leh la aku berlagak kata aku pernah berada disitu...
but seriously, tak sangka jadi macam ni punya cantik. sikit masa lagi, it will become happening!!

lepas ni kalau tempat ni fames, leh la aku berlagak kata aku pernah berada disitu...
but seriously, tak sangka jadi macam ni punya cantik. sikit masa lagi, it will become happening!!
nama aku begitu commercial kah?
masa dekat tesco sungai petani, aku nampak ni.

omg... sangat omg....
ni nak kena bayar royalty nama dekat aku ni.

amacam? kalau aku jadi designer bra, rasa2 korang la kan, La Senza and Victoria's Secret boleh bungkus tak?
nama my line of lingerie would be Sangkar Suci, ada klass dan zaas tak?

omg... sangat omg....
ni nak kena bayar royalty nama dekat aku ni.

amacam? kalau aku jadi designer bra, rasa2 korang la kan, La Senza and Victoria's Secret boleh bungkus tak?
nama my line of lingerie would be Sangkar Suci, ada klass dan zaas tak?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Fatine Young

LONDON - Seorang lelaki Britain, Ian Young menyunting seorang mak nyah warga Malaysia yang dikenali sebagai Fatine untuk menjadi 'isterinya', lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.
Ian, 30, yang memiliki sebuah syarikat penyelenggaraan hartanah berkahwin dengan Fatine, 36, dalam satu majlis sivil di sini Mei lepas.
Dia berkenalan dengan Fatine di sebuah kafe Starbucks di Menara Berkembar Petronas, Kuala Lumpur pada Ogos 2006 ketika dia bekerja sebagai pegawai keselamatan di Malaysia.
Terpegun dengan kejelitaan mak nyah tersebut, Ian yang pada mulanya menyangka Fatine seorang wanita, cuba memikatnya.
Lelaki itu berkata, keserasian antara mereka menimbulkan bibit cinta dan dia berasa bertuah dapat bertemu dengan kekasih yang mengambil berat dan pandai menjaga hatinya.
"Saya tidak peduli sama ada dia seorang mak nyah. Saya mencintai keperibadiannya. Bagi saya Fatine seorang wanita yang cantik dan menawan," kata Ian yang sebelum ini mempunyai seorang teman wanita berbangsa Inggeris.
Fatine atau nama sebenarnya Mohammed Fazdil Min Bahari mengambil hormon wanita sejak berusia 17 tahun.
Jurusolek itu tidak mahu melakukan pembedahan penukaran jantina kerana takut pada risiko di samping gembira dengan keadaan dirinya yang sedia ada.
Pada Disember 2008, Ian membawa Fatine ke Britain dengan menggunakan visa pelawat tetapi 'isterinya' itu kini bakal dihantar pulang Malaysia kerana tinggal di negara itu melebihi tempoh enam bulan. - Agensi

I fell for the woman of my dreams... and she turned out to be a he
WHEN Ian Young sat down next to a beautiful woman in a packed cafe in Kuala Lumpur, he had no idea they would one day be married.
Nor did he know that his pretty companion was a man.
In just three years, Ian has gone from being a straight lad from Derby - who was with his previous girlfriend for eight years - to being in a full-time same-sex relationship.
Ian married 36-year-old Fatine, who is a pre-op transsexual, in a British civil partnership ceremony in May.
But now Fatine faces deportation back to Malaysia, where homosexuality is ILLEGAL.
Ian, 30, who owns his own property maintenance company, says: "I know it is hard for people to understand but I love Fatine. I feel lucky to have met such a caring, wonderful person.
"It doesn't matter to me that she is a transsexual - it's the person she is inside that I care about and love.
"I can't contemplate the idea of us not being together. I look at her and see a beautiful woman."
Ian met Fatine in a Starbucks cafe in the Malaysian capital's famous Petronas Towers in August 2006. He was working as a security officer in the country at the time.
He says: "I asked if I could nick the seat next to her. When she looked up and said, 'Yes' I was overwhelmed by her striking eyes and exotic features.
"We started talking and I was immediately impressed by how good her English was. When she got up to leave I asked for her number.
"That's when she said she might not be what I was looking for and that she was actually a transsexual. I just said, 'Oh' and blushed with embarrassment. But for some reason I wasn't put off.
"I'd never met a transsexual before and my instinct was that I liked Fatine. Even if it was just as friends, I wanted to meet her again."
Two days later Ian and Fatine, who was born Mohammed Fazdil Bin Min Bahari, met at a bar - and kissed at the end of the night.
Ian says: "It just felt right. My first impression in the coffee shop was that Fatine was a woman.
"If she happened to have male sex organs then that was some sort of birth defect. I never thought of her as a man."
The couple met twice more and agreed the feelings they had were more than just friendship.
Ian says: "I was planning to go back to the UK but Fatine was such a warm, gentle person she drew me in.
"I was treated like a meal ticket by other Malaysian girls. But Fatine was different - a successful make-up artist and independent woman."
But the fledgling relationship was not without its problems.
Ian says: "Being a straight man I did have a few concerns about the way I was feeling.
"I wondered if it meant I was gay and I was scared what had happened wasn't right, but I couldn't ignore how I felt."
Fatine, who has taken female hormones since the age of 17, does not want gender reassignment surgery because of the risks involved and because she is happy with her body as it is.
She was also nervous about starting a relationship in a country where transsexuals are often sacked or arrested.
Ian says: "She was disowned by her mother and had encountered a lot of prejudice.
"I began to understand that Fatine and her friends were not a freak show but ordinary people like you or me who just happened to have been born into the wrong body."
When Ian's contract finished five months later he returned to Derby, but he and Fatine realised they both felt strongly about each other. Ian arranged to return to Kuala Lumpur to work, but not before telling all to his mum Patricia.
He recalls: "Mum was fantastic. Having her support was a huge weight off my shoulders."
On his second visit, in October 2007, Ian and Fatine felt ready for a physical relationship.
Ian says: "I was scared about what would happen if sex didn't work. I needn't have worried and it only helped bring us closer. If you love someone, you accept their body no matter how it is."
In December 2008 Ian arranged for Fatine to travel to the UK on a visitor's visa. However, a holiday soon became a long-term stay.
Ian says: "The realisation we could walk down the street together and be happy made it hard to contemplate ever going back to Malaysia.
"I started feeling incredibly proud to have Fatine on my arm."
A month into Fatine's visit Ian proposed and they applied to the Home Office for a Certificate of Approval to Marry. This allowed them to proceed with a civil partnership, which they hoped would support Fatine in getting a permanent visa.
Ian says of the ceremony: "My friends and family turned out to Derby Register Office and their presence was a huge boost.
"Everyone was so supportive. Mum said, 'I've got a son and a daughter now'. For Fatine it was strange to be surrounded by people who were so accepting of her and our relationship.
"Fatine wore a beautiful red silk dress and looked utterly stunning."
Ian has been pleasantly surprised by people's acceptance. He says: "There is always a moment of shock on their face when they find out Fatine isn't a woman. Seconds later they accept it, then ask if I'm gay. But, as strange as it sounds, I'd never say I fancy men."
Despite their dedication to each other, the couple's plans to stay in the UK are now in turmoil after Fatine's Leave To Remain Visa was refused in September on the grounds of an incorrect passport photo.
Their second application was rejected because it was received after Fatine's visitor's visa expired. She has now been told to return to Malaysia.
Ian says: "I simply don't accept the reasons we have been given for each refusal of the application.
"Our local MP has even got in touch with the Home Office but they won't budge. They say Fatine has to return to Malaysia, which is something we wouldn't be able to do as a couple.
"Over there we would face imprisonment just for living together.
"We want to do simple things like have a mortgage. We feel desperate, our options are quickly running out.
"Fatine can reapply from Malaysia but who knows how long that would take, or if it would even be accepted.
"We might be different from your average couple but we love each other - and being forced apart is our worst nightmare."
Head of Immigration for the UK Border Agency, Matthew Coats, said: "This applicant entered the UK as a visitor. The rules are clear that a visitor must leave the UK within six months but may reapply for a new visa from their country of origin."
found under:
makes me wonder
kucing pun boleh?
apa kes kalau kucing tu boleh bersin pulak? dah la bau belachan bersin dia... ieee.... aku sepak jadi basikal nanti baru tau.
aku ingat aku je yang tak sihat. selsema and batuk. mana tau, dia pun boleh kena sama neh.
p/s: sekarang dia tengah best buat air liur basi atas nota2 aku. macam mana aku nak study la!!! sila jangan salahkan aku jika aku tak habis study.
aku ingat aku je yang tak sihat. selsema and batuk. mana tau, dia pun boleh kena sama neh.
p/s: sekarang dia tengah best buat air liur basi atas nota2 aku. macam mana aku nak study la!!! sila jangan salahkan aku jika aku tak habis study.
ok, i love LADY GAGA. so what?
i love his voice.
he looks delicious.
he's very talented.
i like the emotion that he puts in his performance.
it makes Lady's originals sound second best.
Monday, December 7, 2009
apakah mereka ini tidak berfikir dahulu sebelum dengan bangganya meletak nama seperti ini untuk kedai mereka?

sila cari kepelikan gambar di bawah sambil tidak menunjuk punggung ke belakang, tetapi sambil duduk dengan tertib.
bila dah jumpa kepelikan nya, silalah melakukan senam punggung dengan sempurna.
sekian, terima kasih cinta sejati.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
che'gu bahasa melayu, sila tolong.
*sila lihat contoh-contoh ayat di bawah:
kucing itu berjalan di tepi rumah, sambil berfikir bagaimana cara untuk memanjat bumbung rumah buat kali ke-3 nya.
kuda itu berlari di tengah padang bola sepak sekolah menengah kebangsaan tamil, sambil tercirit.
sepandai-pandai ikan parang berenang kuak rama-rama di dalam laut china selatan, akhirnya sampai juga ke dalam mulut mama, setelah dimasak kuah asam pedas melaka.
kenapa burung kepunyaan encik rashide tidak boleh terbang? pelik. sakitkah? tenatkah? atau.... burung apakah yang dimaksudkan?
*sila isi tempat kosong dengan perkataan bahasa melayu yang BETUL:
mak peah mengerang terguling-guling di dapur setelah perasan bahawa senduk yang dicapai untuk mengacau kuah lodeh masakannya adalah sebenarnya seekor ular senduk yang telah ______________ masuk ke dalam rumahnya, pada hari jumaat, 27hb november 2009 lepas.
p/s: aku serious tak tahu apakah pergerakan ular sebenarnya.
kucing itu berjalan di tepi rumah, sambil berfikir bagaimana cara untuk memanjat bumbung rumah buat kali ke-3 nya.
kuda itu berlari di tengah padang bola sepak sekolah menengah kebangsaan tamil, sambil tercirit.
sepandai-pandai ikan parang berenang kuak rama-rama di dalam laut china selatan, akhirnya sampai juga ke dalam mulut mama, setelah dimasak kuah asam pedas melaka.
kenapa burung kepunyaan encik rashide tidak boleh terbang? pelik. sakitkah? tenatkah? atau.... burung apakah yang dimaksudkan?
*sila isi tempat kosong dengan perkataan bahasa melayu yang BETUL:
mak peah mengerang terguling-guling di dapur setelah perasan bahawa senduk yang dicapai untuk mengacau kuah lodeh masakannya adalah sebenarnya seekor ular senduk yang telah ______________ masuk ke dalam rumahnya, pada hari jumaat, 27hb november 2009 lepas.
p/s: aku serious tak tahu apakah pergerakan ular sebenarnya.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
minta pendapat anda
kucing yang aku selamatkan hari tu, buat hal lagi.
selalunya bila aku sampai rumah, dia dah terpacak depan rumah mengiau2 menunggu aku masuk. tapi tadi, senyap je. aku pun pelik, mana perginya.
bila aku masuk rumah, barulah aku dapat jawapan.
aku dengar suara dia mengiau.... dari bumbung rumah aku!!! haisshhh... berapa punya kali mau panjat daa!!! dah la aku penat, aku sakit pinggul. mula2 aku plan nak biarkan je. tapi serious tak sampai hati perut aku. so, menatih la aku mengambil tangga dan panjat untuk selamatkan kucing itu buat kali KEDUA nya....
sekarang aku nak minta pendapat anda: haruskah aku namakan kucing itu "Atap" bersempena dengan kesukaannya untuk berposisi di atap rumah aku atau, haruskah aku namakan kucing itu "Toyol" sebab masa aku tengah berdiri cakap fon, dia suka gigit dan cakar ibu jari kaki kanan aku. apa kes?
p/s: kucing ni makan lagi sedap dari aku. siap aku belikan dia ikan kembung lagi untuk makan. haiisshhhh dengan kucing pun boleh kena bully X_x
selalunya bila aku sampai rumah, dia dah terpacak depan rumah mengiau2 menunggu aku masuk. tapi tadi, senyap je. aku pun pelik, mana perginya.
bila aku masuk rumah, barulah aku dapat jawapan.
aku dengar suara dia mengiau.... dari bumbung rumah aku!!! haisshhh... berapa punya kali mau panjat daa!!! dah la aku penat, aku sakit pinggul. mula2 aku plan nak biarkan je. tapi serious tak sampai hati perut aku. so, menatih la aku mengambil tangga dan panjat untuk selamatkan kucing itu buat kali KEDUA nya....
sekarang aku nak minta pendapat anda: haruskah aku namakan kucing itu "Atap" bersempena dengan kesukaannya untuk berposisi di atap rumah aku atau, haruskah aku namakan kucing itu "Toyol" sebab masa aku tengah berdiri cakap fon, dia suka gigit dan cakar ibu jari kaki kanan aku. apa kes?
p/s: kucing ni makan lagi sedap dari aku. siap aku belikan dia ikan kembung lagi untuk makan. haiisshhhh dengan kucing pun boleh kena bully X_x
Friday, December 4, 2009
kalau korang tere.....
....sila teka siapakah manusia yang terselindung "belakang band of brothers" students MA neh......

ini adalah klu nyer:
-dia tak boleh tengok hidup orang senang, mesti dia nak kacau.
-dia memang gila kuasa, padahal superior dia pun tak kecoh macam neh.
-dia mungkin ada affair dengar pakar kat sini sebab dia cukup la mengipas pakar tersebut.
-dia kalau tengah takde kerja, akan cari kerja. tapi bukan kerja yang dalam bidang dia. cari kerja seperti menyusahkan hidup orang.
-suara dia paling lantang, sebab dia nak orang tahu yang dia wujud dalam ward ini.
soalannya: siapakah DIA?
p/s: dia panggil students MA ni and marah2 derang just because they were standing around there doing nothing. dah, kalau takde kerja, takkan nak menyibuk kott kan? and just to tunjuk kuasa, dia tanya soalan2 bangang kat derang neh. i was like dabel-yu-ti-eff??

ini adalah klu nyer:
-dia tak boleh tengok hidup orang senang, mesti dia nak kacau.
-dia memang gila kuasa, padahal superior dia pun tak kecoh macam neh.
-dia mungkin ada affair dengar pakar kat sini sebab dia cukup la mengipas pakar tersebut.
-dia kalau tengah takde kerja, akan cari kerja. tapi bukan kerja yang dalam bidang dia. cari kerja seperti menyusahkan hidup orang.
-suara dia paling lantang, sebab dia nak orang tahu yang dia wujud dalam ward ini.
soalannya: siapakah DIA?
p/s: dia panggil students MA ni and marah2 derang just because they were standing around there doing nothing. dah, kalau takde kerja, takkan nak menyibuk kott kan? and just to tunjuk kuasa, dia tanya soalan2 bangang kat derang neh. i was like dabel-yu-ti-eff??
i am not showing off
since many weeks ago, i have been really stressed because there are alot of things going on in my life. some of them i thought i can't handle and some of them just happened without my control. but i always remember what my mama told me, "God will not give us problems that we cannot solve". with that, i stayed strong and went through my days with hardship but a smile plastered on my face.
especially on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th december, i am having exams. i know it is not my finals yet, but still, i don't want to blow this one off just like that. there is not reason why i should not do well right? i had my english paper on the 2nd and on the 3rd was my medicine paper which consists of EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING MEDICAL under the sun. and today was my SURGERY paper.....phewww.....
musn't lie to myself, but medicine paper was not easy, neither was it tough. it was fair, that i can say. depsite the fact that i did study (quite alot) for medicine, there are some questions that i do doubt myself. and since i have been concentrating on medicine so much, i didn't have time for my surgery subjects and surgery is my favourite. there are a bunch of things that i still haven't touched and i came to the hall this morning with the "whatever" feeling and that i just wanna get through the paper, regardless if i would pass it or not. honestly speaking, technically, i did not study at all for my surgery.
but once i saw the paper just now, i was like.....WHOA!!!.... i can't stop smiling and taking my time to answer each and every question. there are questions where i doubt myself, but most of it, i was confident that i might be right ;)
so, there you go.
now, i feel like am rather ready to face the world of medicine and hospitals and patients with something on my mind. before this, i wasn't sure that i could do it, really.....
happyness just don't even begin to describe what i am feeling right now.
p/s: my butt still aches from the IM voltran that i received yesterday. isn't it weird that i can do well in the paper that i did not read for but not for the paper that i ACTUALLY sat and read for.
pp/s: second wave of exams starts on the 17th.
since many weeks ago, i have been really stressed because there are alot of things going on in my life. some of them i thought i can't handle and some of them just happened without my control. but i always remember what my mama told me, "God will not give us problems that we cannot solve". with that, i stayed strong and went through my days with hardship but a smile plastered on my face.
especially on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th december, i am having exams. i know it is not my finals yet, but still, i don't want to blow this one off just like that. there is not reason why i should not do well right? i had my english paper on the 2nd and on the 3rd was my medicine paper which consists of EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING MEDICAL under the sun. and today was my SURGERY paper.....phewww.....
musn't lie to myself, but medicine paper was not easy, neither was it tough. it was fair, that i can say. depsite the fact that i did study (quite alot) for medicine, there are some questions that i do doubt myself. and since i have been concentrating on medicine so much, i didn't have time for my surgery subjects and surgery is my favourite. there are a bunch of things that i still haven't touched and i came to the hall this morning with the "whatever" feeling and that i just wanna get through the paper, regardless if i would pass it or not. honestly speaking, technically, i did not study at all for my surgery.
but once i saw the paper just now, i was like.....WHOA!!!.... i can't stop smiling and taking my time to answer each and every question. there are questions where i doubt myself, but most of it, i was confident that i might be right ;)
so, there you go.
now, i feel like am rather ready to face the world of medicine and hospitals and patients with something on my mind. before this, i wasn't sure that i could do it, really.....
happyness just don't even begin to describe what i am feeling right now.
p/s: my butt still aches from the IM voltran that i received yesterday. isn't it weird that i can do well in the paper that i did not read for but not for the paper that i ACTUALLY sat and read for.
pp/s: second wave of exams starts on the 17th.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
berborak bersama syafiq (8 years old)

REd: patani tu apa?
along: patani tu orang Thai.
REd: bukan la apit, kak alia orang keling (please readers, don't misunderstand. i meant this in the nicest way possible. i am not a racist)
syafiq: orang keling tu apa?
REd: orang keling tu orang india la sayang.
syafiq: tipu arr. lagipun orang india nanti tak dapat masuk syurga.
REd: bukan macam tu. semua orang yang baik akan masuk syurga. itu kan ke Allah yang tentukan. bukan kita. orang india pun boleh masuk syurga.
syafiq: umi, umi.... hari kiamat tu bila arr?
cik Ros: mana la tau pit. takde saper tau bila tu hari kiamat.
syafiq: tapi masa tu nanti, syafiq dah kahwin kan umi?
cik Ros: *blur**
syafiq sedang tengok TV.... tetiba dia pusing and tanya....
syafiq: babah, waktu solat hajat masuk pukul berapa?
pak Njang: solat hajat mana ada waktu pit. kamu nak solat bila2 pun boleh.
kids say the darndest things.... (",)
aku risk satu nyawa untuk kucing yang ada 9 nyawa
aku ni tengah lenguh badan sebenarnya sebab hari tu aku jatuh berdebuk macam nangka busuk. so, jalan pun tak berapa nak betul, pinggang pulak sakit. adoiyayy... memang la clumsy sangat aku neh.
semalam dari pukul berapa, aku dengar ada kucing mengiau dari bumbung umah aku. aku buat tak tahu la pada mulanya because pada aku, kalau kucing tu tahu panjat, sure dia tahu macma mana nak turun kan? berapa jam juga la aku dengar dia mengiau. makin lama, makin kuat. sampai aku dengar dia dekat tingkap toilet aku.
kesian juga aku dengar. takkan aku nak biarkan aja kan? aku ada fikir la, nak buat macam mana. takkan nak panggil bomba, buat menyusah bomba je. takkan nak panggil neighbour, aku bukannyer rapat ngan neighbours pun. so, nak tak nak, aku buang rasa sakit aku tu, aku pergi amik tangga, aku panjat. malas nak fikir dah.

mula2 tengok ketinggian yang aku harus panjat tu, aku agak risau sebenarnya. mana la tau tangga tu tak kuat ke, tangga tu tak stabil ke, aku akan jatuh ke. aku kan ke prone tu accident. tapi mendengarkan suara kucing tu, aku jatuh kesian. tak sanggup aku nak dengar. aku gagah je la panjat tangga neh.

sampai kat top of the ladder, lutut aku dah terketar. adoiyayy.... nak pegang pada apa? atas semua dinding, tepi2 takde apa benda nak support. tapi aku tekad, fikir positive. kucing tu dah perasan tangan aku kat situ, dia mengiau makin kuat.

tingkap ni pulak bukan nyer jenis yang boleh main buka je. aku kena kepak besi tingkap tu sikit and tarik keluar kaca tu. masa tu aku kena stretch my body abit to reach the window because i am still not that near the window itself. i concentrated my energy on my hands, and took out one piece of glass from the window to allow the cat to come in.
bila dah ada bukaan untuk kucing tu masuk, dia tak nak masuk pulak!!! adoiyayy... iye la kan, dia masih takut and all. berapa lama aku dok atas tangga tu, pujuk dia masuk. dah berpeluh2 aku ni. lenguh badan dah semakin terasa.

last2, aku dapat amik dia masuk. tengok tu, terbeliak mata dia ketakutan.

bila aku nak lepaskan dia keluar rumah, dia tak nak pulak. adoiyayy... dia nak manja2 pulak ngan aku. ni yang aku lemah ni. nak bela, takut tak terbela. iye la, aku kan bz. nak buat bodo, kesian pulak aku tengok muka tu...
macam mana neh?
tapi apa2 pun, i am happy that the cat is safe no matter how much pain i am in.
karma comes back. mana tau, esok2 aku atas bumbung, orang lain pulak akan tolong aku kan?
semalam dari pukul berapa, aku dengar ada kucing mengiau dari bumbung umah aku. aku buat tak tahu la pada mulanya because pada aku, kalau kucing tu tahu panjat, sure dia tahu macma mana nak turun kan? berapa jam juga la aku dengar dia mengiau. makin lama, makin kuat. sampai aku dengar dia dekat tingkap toilet aku.
kesian juga aku dengar. takkan aku nak biarkan aja kan? aku ada fikir la, nak buat macam mana. takkan nak panggil bomba, buat menyusah bomba je. takkan nak panggil neighbour, aku bukannyer rapat ngan neighbours pun. so, nak tak nak, aku buang rasa sakit aku tu, aku pergi amik tangga, aku panjat. malas nak fikir dah.

mula2 tengok ketinggian yang aku harus panjat tu, aku agak risau sebenarnya. mana la tau tangga tu tak kuat ke, tangga tu tak stabil ke, aku akan jatuh ke. aku kan ke prone tu accident. tapi mendengarkan suara kucing tu, aku jatuh kesian. tak sanggup aku nak dengar. aku gagah je la panjat tangga neh.

sampai kat top of the ladder, lutut aku dah terketar. adoiyayy.... nak pegang pada apa? atas semua dinding, tepi2 takde apa benda nak support. tapi aku tekad, fikir positive. kucing tu dah perasan tangan aku kat situ, dia mengiau makin kuat.

tingkap ni pulak bukan nyer jenis yang boleh main buka je. aku kena kepak besi tingkap tu sikit and tarik keluar kaca tu. masa tu aku kena stretch my body abit to reach the window because i am still not that near the window itself. i concentrated my energy on my hands, and took out one piece of glass from the window to allow the cat to come in.
bila dah ada bukaan untuk kucing tu masuk, dia tak nak masuk pulak!!! adoiyayy... iye la kan, dia masih takut and all. berapa lama aku dok atas tangga tu, pujuk dia masuk. dah berpeluh2 aku ni. lenguh badan dah semakin terasa.

last2, aku dapat amik dia masuk. tengok tu, terbeliak mata dia ketakutan.

bila aku nak lepaskan dia keluar rumah, dia tak nak pulak. adoiyayy... dia nak manja2 pulak ngan aku. ni yang aku lemah ni. nak bela, takut tak terbela. iye la, aku kan bz. nak buat bodo, kesian pulak aku tengok muka tu...
macam mana neh?
tapi apa2 pun, i am happy that the cat is safe no matter how much pain i am in.
karma comes back. mana tau, esok2 aku atas bumbung, orang lain pulak akan tolong aku kan?
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