i was the first to walk the "fashion parade". i don't even know what was i supposed to do or say. since i think this is a waste of time and does not relate at all in terms of our studies, i just selamba go there and said a few words. then, i took off as i seriously do not see any point in doing it. the time for us is so precious that we should have used it to finish up our work rather than parading like a bunch of ass-kissers.
this morn, the PROFESSOR, who is not local, who conducted the "fashion parade", and who also always lecture us about time wasting, said that he wanted to see me afterwards. ok, so, i went to see him.
he asked me why i left after the parade. i said cause it was a waste of time and i see no relevance in it. and then, the "counselling" (as he put it) started. he said he is doing it for a reason. by me leaving, i wasn't following his instructions (but there were many others who didn't even attend the damn thing, why only me that he wanted to talk to?). the way i dress was inappropriate (pakai seluar hitam putih and blouse biasa pun salah? a girl was wearing t-shirt, above knee skirt and slippers, ok aja), when i went to speak, i was arrogant. he asked me, "do you know why people are arrogant? because they are intelligent. but they shouldn't be boastful. i am a professor, i am ahead of you people, why do you think i want to waste my time like this?" <- isn't this sentence arrogant?
prof: "apparently, someone went to complain to the director of HSAH when she was reprimanded by the doctors there. therefore this is happening"
"just because you came back from europe (he said the country that i was in SPECIFICALLY), you should not act like this in malaysia. but i am not specifically talking about you." <-then, how come he knows that i was from there?
i told him that over there, ppl just dress as they want, so long that they are performing well. then he started talking about india la pulak. seriously, i wanted to kick him in the face.
i am not living in denial, but i am definitely not arrogant. kalau betul la RED ni sombong, macam mana when i am doing comm med, the ppl wanted to talk to me more than to talk to the others? kalau RED ni sombong, kenapa RED leh ngam ngan uncle guard ke, warden ke, uncle kedai ke? yes, i asked around if they think i am ARROGANT. the answer is NO. i may appear to be arrogant at first because of the way i look. but once they get to know me, they know what kind of person i am.
jadi macam mana? haruskah aku robek muka aku supaya tak nampak sombong? aku nak berlagak apa pun aku tak tahu cause aku ni ada kekurangan.
takkan la kalau orang terjun lombong, just because i think it is a stupid thing to do and i want to stand on my own 2 feet, aku tak terjun sama, aku dikatakan ARROGANT?
aku rasa, aku lebih rela orang cakap aku ARROGANT dari orang label aku STUPID kan.
btw, prof ni siap cakap lagi :"do you wonder why i am picking on you?" haaa.... tau pun yang dia picking on me. "because there are other people who break the rules, but you do double." WTF?? apa benda yang aku buat? kalau aku ada byk break the rules, kenapa aku tak kena ban aja from this place?
pergi mampus la... iye, RED mmg geram. but i know, he is not worth my anger. lantak la.